Entypo broken in Oxygen theme
Hi there,
Results of the plugin are impressive. I’ve got a problem though with Chrome/Firefox which refuse to display entypo icons included in the theme. It works nicely on Safari.Would you mind having a look: https://www.iie.es
I’ve been doing my best for days now and cannot find a solution, we’ve tried other path with WPMU guys too.
I am not even sure it comes from AUtoptimize but for it started when I activated it…
My Autoptimize setting is the following:
Optimize HTML: YES
Maintain comments in HTML: NOJAVASCRIPT
Optimize Javascript: YES
Force Javascript in Head: YES
Look for scripts only in Head: YES
Exclude scripts: had to exclude “jquery.isotope.min.js”
Try-catch: NOCSS
Optimize CSS: YES
Generate URI: NO
Look for styles only in Head: NO >> Breaks things (?) Ubergrid and menu drop down
Defer CSS: NO
Inline all CSS: YES
Exclude CSS from Autoptimize: admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.cssCACHE
Write: YES
Styles and scripts in cache: 45
Save aggregated script/css as static files?: YES
Your help is highly welcomed!
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