• When I try to create a guestbook entry with an emoji, the following error occurs: “Entschuldigung, es ging etwas schief bei der Speicherung dieses Eintrags. Bitte kontaktiere den Administrator.”

    Is it possible to disable the emojis?

    What options are there to solve the problem?

    Here is the information about my site:

    WordPress-Version: 6.2.2 (db: 53496) WordPress Theme: Hello Elementor Aktive Plugins: duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php
    wp-fastest-cache/wpFastestCache.php PHP-Version: 8.0.29 MySQL-Version: 10.6.12-MariaDB-1:10.6.12+maria~deb11-log MySQL-Zeichensatz: MySQL-Zeichensatz: utf8mb4
    MySQL Column Charset: utf8mb3 MySQL-Tabellen: Vorhandene MySQL-Tabellen:

    • gwolle_gb_entries
    • gwolle_gb_log

    MySQL / MySQLi: mysqli MySQL-Variablen: character_set_client: utf8mb4
    character_set_connection: utf8mb4
    character_set_database: utf8mb3
    character_set_filesystem: binary
    character_set_results: utf8mb4
    character_set_server: utf8mb3
    character_set_system: utf8mb3
    character_sets_dir: /opt/mariadb-10.6.12/share/mysql/charsets/
    MySQL-Engine: InnoDB

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Hi, this problem comes up once in a while. There are many different options in mysql for setting character sets.

    I think it is best to contact your hosting provider and point them to this support issue. Apparently mysql is not set up correctly for utf8mb4.

    Thread Starter lukasknoebel


    I will check with our provider. Is it possible to disable emoji functionality until everything is working properly again? Because I’m not sure if the provider will change that and if so how soon, since we’re just a small site without much influence.

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    It is part of the setting in the form; visual editor and emoji.

    People can still add emoji from their keyboard.

    Bonjour, l’emoji coeur fonctionne mais pas les autres comme ?? ou ??

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Hi @stephaneanick,
    Would you be so kind to open a separate support topic? Each ticket in this context is different with a different solution. Your support issue might need a different solution from others.

    Regards, Marcel

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