ok……….now i’m more confused. Maybe I’m thinking it is used for something else. May I explain and hopefully you can tell me where my thinking is wrong.
First, I was using greymatter before I installed wordpress. I still have greymatter installed
If you go to my my home page: https://www.filipinaeyes.com and scroll down to the bottom you see that organge xml button. If you click it, it shows you my xml document and code. If you want to link or syndicate to this feed to a reader, the link is in the broswer for you to copy and paste.
I was thinking this was the same for the Entries (RSS) Link at the bottom of the page for WordPress. That you clicked the Entries (RSS) link and it would show you the xml code and the link to the xml document in the browser for those who needed the link for their reader.
I don’t understand your comment — I have a feedreader registered to the feed. In greymatter I’m not registered and I can click the orange xml button at the bottom to see my xml document and get the link from the browser for a reader. What is it I’m not understanding here? If the Entries (RSS)link is not so others can see your XML document and get the link for their reader, then what is it for?
I’m completely confused and I’m sure it has to do with what I think the function of this Entries (RSS) purpose is.
Can someone explain in simple terms what the differenc is between the xml button I have at the bottom of my home page for greymatter (https://www.filipinaeyes.com) versus what the Entries (RSS) is used for in the WordPress blog?
And this comment on registration has me totally confused!
Thanks again
p.s. I went to maxmanx blog to check it out and clicked on the Entires (RSS) at the bottom of his page and saw his xml document — yet I’m not registered to any feed. Confusing?