Entire Site Suddenly in Italics
Last night when I went to bed, my website was fine, but I just went on it this afternoon and the entire site is in italics. In the past, if a new blog entry posted and I forgot an ’em,’ tag that post and the sidebars and header would be in italics until I fixed the em tag but the rest of the site would be unaffected.
In this case, the entire site has been changed to italics. All I was doing last night was working on blog posts. I wasn’t working on any widgets or pages.
I tried trashing the latest posts in case there was something in them that I wasn’t seeing, and I even tried moving the latest draft posts and scheduled posts into the trash, however even doing that didn’t get rid of the italics. I am just not seeing any unclosed em tags. Is there a way to do a search for them or could it be another issue?
Does anyone have a suggestion? The site is: https://stacyjuba.com/blog/
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