I have selected multiple content items (e.g. pages, posts, glossary) to be included within the contextual related post’s settings. As far as the selection of the items to be shown is concerned, I have manually entered within every content item the IDs of the other related items and I set up the plugin to show 3 items using a RANDOM selection.
Unfortunately, the plugin does not select in random but rather displays every content item individually.
If, for example, I input the IDs 751,251,333 (pages) and 222,153,211 (glossary) to the manual CRP IDs for a post, when I view the post at the frontent the plugin ALWAYS displays 751,251,333 as related posts (i.e. all the pages) and does not display anything from the glossary items. If now I enter only two IDs from the pages content item to CRP manual IDs, e.g. 751, 251, then the CRP plugin at the frontend does show these two ALWAYS and then the first glossary item (222). In other words, the plugin displays the related post IDs using the exact order that their IDs were entered within the respective per-item field, despite the fact that within the “List Tuning” tab in the plugin settings Order Posts has been set to Random and Randomize Posts is also checked.
How can we randomly display related posts per item using the manually entered IDs?
Thank you!