• Resolved chelleflowerhotmail.co.uk


    I cant seem to change the slides titles or images on the home page for enigma past slide 1. Slide 2 and 3 are listed but clicking on them does not display options for me to change the tags, titles and images.

    Any ideas? I thought that three slides were available to change in the free version?

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  • Hi!
    ENIGMA free theme is better than premium.
    Difference are:
    1 free option easy editing, you can edit slider social options, general theme options and many more in customise that make it easy for quick develop. ones you feel it ok for you to go premium you’ll be surprise customise will be scanty and you have to know how to work in dashboard before you can make the website you are working on to come life in a second.

    2 No widgets if you work with page builder that shows that the developer are very very stingy and deceitful what they show on free ENIGMA theme is not what you get on premium, they don’t give much for the money they charge for their premium theme unlike other popular themes of the same price even less price theme like VINTAGE, ZERIF, SPARKLING SYDNEY.
    So be wise before purchasing the theme.
    Don’t be deceived by the name enigma because this theme has many names check the developers (Weblizar) you’ll learn more on their themes.

    I’m making a video to show what i am I described above.
    Thank you.

    The theme I’m actually using now is Inferno, and it is the free option – not the premium.
    my site link is https://www.lyoneventmgmt.com if you’d like to see what I mean about the service option links

    The first problem that you have is your images try and keep all your images to one size if you have photoshop or other online image editing software. Make sure you keep the pixels same sizes for all slider e.g. 1200X 500, 1600 X 680 or make the slider more similarly sized in the aspect ratio department to what your images are best bet use an image editing software.

    Secondly use links of what you want to use for in Appearance= theme option= Service Two click on the little box on the right you’ll a link place you see hatag place your link there. Do the same on Three as well.

    Thank you. It’s funny, but the “little box on the right” you are speaking of doesn’t appear for me! However, hovering over the area eventually presented a hand to click on a link. Found it ?? Thanks again.



    Thanks @DebsProStudio.


    I can’t seem to get any footer menu to show up in the bottom right hand corner of my page. I would also like to get rid of the side bar on my product page so I can go live with that page.


    Hi @stgstem,

    Please describe your issue in details.

    We can’t see sidebar on product page.

    Let us know for further assistance.


    @ esmi (forum moderator ) , Please look a guy @DebsProStudio.
    Is posting negative comments here and all over the forum. He had never used our any of Premium Products and posting spam here.

    Please have a look ,


    When i tried to setup up the woocommerce to work with Enigma some of the pages have a side bar on the right so I have chosen not to publish them and I made another simple product page that sends customers outside of my webpage as a fix for now.

    Also I wanted to post “terms of use” and “privacy” links in the footer or my website but I can’t get a secondary footer menu or even my main header menu to show up on the footer at all so rearranged my website to put them in the header instead as a fix.

    I like design and cleanliness of Enigma but I’m having a few issues and will probably have to abandon the template as I grow for more custom functionality.


    1) Please make child theme and woocommerce.php in child theme directory.

    Now copy code from LINK and paste to woocommerce.php that you create in child theme directory.

    Save the changes.

    2) Please provide the Text and LINKs that you want to add in footer.

    We assist you to add them.


    WEBLIZAR you are telling lies I have a have a I boght a theme under my website https://dps4tv.com my account admin name is DPS4TV I’ve been wrote so many email about your premium theme without a reply because you don’t care about your customers so I decided to write bad comments now you are calling it a spam?
    No common WEBLIZAR.

    Don’t make me feel like I’m a bad guy I’ve been helping you to support your free theme customers look my early comments above.
    Your free theme is very good but the premium is not good at all no even 1% I’m sure you know what I mean.

    I’ve done a research about your premium themes, no much tutorial on Youtube, Vimeo or anywhere online because NO one understand the way it build.

    WEBLIZAR if your customers care they should go to your website forum the link below they will see by themselves how you are wasting people time and money by not making life easy for them so many questions for thing that were surpose to be simple, other theme designers make their premium themes easy for people.



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