• I have a few things that I would like to request. But first let me say, GREAT JOB developers. I’ve just recently upgraded from a VERY hacked version of b2. I love WP!
    Ok, to the requests…
    1) Better searching ability for the edit page, such as all posts from certian cat for certian month, or ability to see all protected or all private posts, etc.
    2) Some way to enable seeing private/protected posts on the main pagae based on a user being logged in and based on the user level. I know there’s a plugin for user level viewing, but I think something built in would be better.
    Thanks a ton and keep up the good work!

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  • Thanks for your suggestions.

    As long as we are talking about the edit search capability…… I currently have my site to 5 posts paged, so when I go in to edit posts, select a particular month, I get the last 5 posts for that month….. drives me nutz because I’ll preload posts, so I know there’s more than five for that particular month, and unless I remember something in the title or post that Ican search for, I can’t get to it.

    TG: Fixed in 1.3

    Sweet. Just waiting for the day……

    You know, this may not be the best thread for this, but, aw, hell, I’m gonna’ say it anyway.
    WordPress kicks ass.
    I’m one of those former MoveableType nutjobs who has decided that I’m going to move over to WordPress. I’m just waiting for that pesky multiple-blog, one-management-interface thing. Of course, that’s an old request, but I thought I’d remind you. ^_^
    And, thanks for working so hard on a great OpenSource product.

    As long as we’re requesting:
    I’d love to be able to have the ability to disallow editing of other user posts. The way I see it, that’s what the comments are for…

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