Hi Peter,
I try to explain better what I mean.
I am managing a sports association and its subscribers, thanks to your plug-in.
So I have created a project called “RUN ALL2gether” that appear in the menu with a Manage subscriber menu item (Gestione soci in Italian).
Clicking on this menu item, a page to manage the subscriber appear.
The content of the related table will be displayed. From this page, I can Add New subscriber or edit the existing ones.
In this page, there is an action list that gives me the possibility to export all the table or any lines. But this creates an SQL insert statement.
This works fine for me that I have db skills, other contributors who can access this page would be independent to download data (only what displayed) in an Excel file.
Here, for my point of view, could be more helpful to have the export to Excel.
Menu screenshot – https://www.runalltogether.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/RUNALL2gether_menu.png
Page screenshot – https://www.runalltogether.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/RUNALL2gether_subscriber_lapge.png
Action list screenshot – https://www.runalltogether.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/RUNALL2gether_action_list.png