• Hello,

    All blue links are screenshots below ??

    OK I stumbled across this problem when creating new terms in a ‘single line text field’ which is added to a post created by the form.

    So I created a test form with just the post title and single line text field which has the ‘save to taxonomy’ option and enhanced UI ticked. The post is also created and published upon form submit.

    See screenshot in preview mode

    So as you can see the enhanced UI tag input control is working. And these terms are newly created terms that don’t exist that i’ve added.


    Test 1 – Comma Separated

    The first test I did was separating newly added terms with a comma. The enhanced UI did its thing and every time I add a comma it turns the term into a label. So it appears to be working at this point. But when I view the post on the front end, it looks like this.

    See screenshot in front end outputted using wp_get_post_terms()

    But if I go into the post admin and view them in sidebar, obviously wordpress is clever and separates them up and they appear to be sweet. See screenshot of post admin before re-republishing. If you republish the post, this fixed the problem but leaves rouge term called ATAGTEST9,ATAGTEST10,ATAGTEST11,ATAGTEST12 in the system. Which is not ideal because the user see’s existing system terms when typing in the enhanced ui field.


    Test 2 – Hitting Enter

    The second test I did was separating newly added terms by hitting enter. Again the enhanced UI did its thing and every time it turns the term into a label. But when I submit the form and check the results on the front end…

    See screenshot in front end outputted using wp_get_post_terms()

    So the same problem occurs when using enter in the enhanced UI. The same problem also happens when re-publishing the post, wordpress recognised the commas and separates the terms leaving a rouge combined term in system.

    Once I republish the post it gives the desired effect on the front end. See frondend screenshot. But then see the mess it makes in the back end.

    See admin taxonomy panel screenshot.


    So after these tests I’m really struggling to find a work around. I think it’s a bug unless you can help me out. Would be shame not to be able to use this plugin in my project as its really really good ??

    My posts are published upon form submission so ideally I need newly created terms to save correctly the first time as its front-end access only to the user.

    I’m using latest version of the plugin 3.1.5

    Look forward to hearing from you and many many thanks!



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