HI there,
That sounds like an exciting project!
The best way to generate multiple forms is to use the Free “Duplicate Post” plugin. It will add a “Clone post” link under each form that allows you to create an exact duplicate. Then you can just edit the form title and move on. There’s only one small catch: If you have existing donations on the form you duplicate, after you duplicate it, go to “Donations > Tools > Data” and run the recalculate all forms tool so that the donation data is cleared from the new forms.
Regarding displaying multiple forms on one page, a great way to do that is with your theme’s Archive page. Give supports categories and tags, which means it also have archive pages, both for ALL forms (via /donations) and also for each category and/or tag (/donations/category/my-category).
You can learn more about that in these tutorials:
Overview of how it works:
Generally about Themeing with Give:
Themeing the Archive Page: