• The last sentence or so of each blog post is blocked by the header image of the post below it when viewing the site in Chrome. It isn’t an issue in the mobile version or in Firefox. I haven’t made any adjustments to the theme, so it’s performing like this straight out of the box as it were. Please help!

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  • Hi there!

    I’ve taken a look at your site and it looks like some featured images are missing. The theme is styling the post as though there were a Featured Image but there isn’t one.

    When looking at the code, there’s an element to display the image, the code for a link – but no actual image is being displayed.

    Have you installed or updated any plugins recently? Perhaps one of them is causing a conflict of some kind. I would start by turning off all plugins, and see if the images return. If so, you can start turning them back on, one at a time, until the problem resurfaces, then you’ll know where the conflict is coming from.

    Other options would be deleting and reinstalling Sela – or you can edit one of the posts that are missing their image and try removing and adding the image back in to see if that fixes the alignment on that particular post

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