• Hello:

    We want to combine Learnpress with PMPO and Woocommerce to sell membership courses. In the case of associating a product to a membership, the purchase of this, automatically enrolls in the LP course.

    But what happens when a product associated with a membership has been sold by subscription in Woocommerce and one of the future recurring payments fails?

    We manage subscriptions with Yith Subscriptions, adding a subscription option to the Woocommerce product sheet, to alter the payment process, from a single price to a subscription price. When the user buys this product, it’s added to the membership associated with the product and this enrolls the user in the course. But if a subscription payment fails (controlled by Woocommerce and the subscription payment gateway) what happens to the membership?

    When purchasing via Woocommerce, membership orders are not generated, only that the user acquires the level granted, without any PMPO membership order acting on their acquired level. If the recurring payment fails in the Woocommerce gateway, will the membership be paused or cancelled?


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  • Plugin Support Jarryd Long


    Hi there, thank you for reaching out to the Paid Memberships Pro team.

    Please advise which plugin you are using to connect Paid Memberships Pro to Learnpress so that I can advise accordingly?

    As payments are handled in Woo, I can’t say how they handle a failed payment and if a cancellation is effective immediately or only after a certain amount of retries, it would be better to reach out to YITH to confirm that.

    Kind Regards,
    Support Manager at Paid Memberships Pro

    Thread Starter Desa_Web_Sup


    Hello Jarryd:

    I have installed Eduma Premium bundle which includes Learnpress, with Woocommerce for selling courses through products, with a fixed price. The sale of a product automatically enrolls in a course.

    I also want to sell courses by subscription and by membership.

    I have installed PMPO for memberships and I have also installed:

    • LearnPress – WooCommerce Payment Methods Integration: To connect LP and WooC and sell courses as products.
    • LearnPress – Paid Membership Pro Integration: To connect LP and PMPO and to be able to associate courses and memberships.
    • Paid Memberships Pro – WooCommerce Add On: To be able to sell products associated with memberships.
    • Yith Subscriptions: To be able to sell WooC products by subscription, not by fixed price. Products sold by subscription (same as those sold with a fixed price), automatically enroll in their associated course.

    We can’t use PMPO checkout for the sale of subscription memberships because we work with Redsys and it doesn’t support it. So, to sell memberships (fixed price or subscription) we have to use Woocommerce for product sales and Yith Subscriptions to add subscription payment to Woocommerce sales.

    Before going into more details, I know how the Yith Subscriptions plugin works. When a payment fails, it notifies the user, if they don’t pay within 24 hours, it goes to suspended, and if they don’t pay within 48 hours, it goes to cancelled.

    This cancels the subscription (payment process) and WooCommerce will not generate a new charge on the associated account (payment process), but HOW DOES THIS AFFECT PMPO? That’s what I was asking.

    I see that if the user cancels the subscription, it stops the payments, but it doesn’t stop the membership they had access to. It remains active. I suppose that if the cancellation is due to a failed renewal payment, the same thing will happen. The subscription is stopped (payment process), but the membership is not cancelled (course access process).

    Is there no way for a membership that has been purchased by a Woocommerce product with a subscription as a payment method (Yith) to be cancelled automatically when the paid subscription is also cancelled?

    So PMPO is only good for selling memberships if they are sold through the PMPO checkout or if they are sold in WooCommerce as fixed price products.

    PMPO and LP will never be able to sell subscription courses through Woocommerce, even though both plugins offer add-ons to sell in Woocommerce.

    I think that many businesses that currently sell by subscription and can’t use Stripe or Paypal as payment methods are not being taken into account.


    Plugin Support Jarryd Long


    Thank you for your feedback and walking me through your set up.

    By default, our Woocommerce Integration Add On will cancel memberships when orders go into pending, processing, refunded, failed, or on hold status. When a membership is cancelled this will roll over into LearnDash and the member will be un-enrolled from their course too if the level is connected to it.

    More information on how and where this is handled in the plugin can be found at https://github.com/strangerstudios/pmpro-woocommerce/blob/dev/pmpro-woocommerce.php#L295-L339

    Kind Regards,
    Support Manager at Paid Memberships Pro

    Thread Starter Desa_Web_Sup


    Hello Jarryd

    First of all, I use Learnpress, NOT Learndash, as I said in my previous message.

    Then, what you tell me doesn’t correspond to reality. When a product associated with a membership is sold, a purchase order is not created in PMPO, it’s only created in Woocommerce.

    PMPO shows a new member with the purchased membership level, but it doesn’t show a new purchase order. I have tried to change the status of the purchase order in Woocommerce to pending, failed or cancelled and the user still has the membership level they purchased and can access the content offered by their membership.

    Therefore, your Woocommerce Integration Add On doesn’t work, as you said, at least not on my website.

    This has been changing the order status manually in Woocommerce, but hence my initial question. What happens when the sale has been by subscription (Woocommerce Subscriptions or Yith Subscriptions) and it’s cancelled in a renewal?

    I can’t sell subscription memberships through Woocommerce, if when a subscription is cancelled, which cancels the issuance of new charges, the membership that gives access to the content, is not also cancelled.

    When the product sells a membership with a fixed price, a one-time payment, there is no problem. The membership has an expiration setting, so that when the term is met, the user can’t access the content that they paid for once. But when the product that sells the membership has a subscription payment (plugin add on added to Woocommerce), and that subscription is cancelled due to non-payment, the membership is not automatically cut off. Does the administrator have to be the one to cancel the membership in PMPO manually?

    What a bad sales experience for the web administrator.

    I insist. The PMPO Add On for Woocommerce doesn’t work.

    1.- PMPO doesn’t create orders when the membership is sold associated with a Woocommerce product. It gives access to the level to the buyer, but there is only one purchase order, the one from Woocommerce.
    2.- PMPO doesn’t cancel a membership associated with a product that sold it through subscription payment when that subscription is cancelled.

    So, how do I sell subscription memberships with PMPO and Woocommerce?

    Plugin Author Jason Coleman


    These forums are about to close. Please copy out any information you need. I would advise that you try to limit the number of plugins you are combining this way. Try to use the Members Add On for WooCommerce or use PMPro without WooCommerce. I think LearnPress may have gateway options too.

    Good luck. If you’d like to continue this support, you are free to reach out to us at https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/support/. We will do our best to understand your setup to let you know if it is possible and what may need to be done.

    Good luck with the site.

    Thread Starter Desa_Web_Sup


    I’m sorry, but what kind of answer is this? You give me advice that you would know is useless if you had read my first message, you avoid the fact that the plugin doesn’t work properly with Woocommerce (even though you offer an add-on for it) and you refer me to a paid support service (because on the support page you indicate, queries of this type are not offered).

    The reality is that the only way to sell memberships with subscription with this plugin is with its own checkout through Stripe, the add-on for Woocommerce is inoperative if used with gateways such as Redsys (Spain and many other countries).

    Woocommerce and PMPO only communicate in the sale, to assign the membership to the user. They don’t communicate again. When the membership is sold within a Woocommerce product, PMPO doesn’t create a order, only Woocommerce, therefore, any change in the status of the Woocommerce order doesn’t affect the membership. That is in single payment purchases.

    For paid subscription purchases, it’s even worse. If the subscription is cancelled, PMPO doesn’t even notice and the membership continues to work even if it’s not paid.

    Why do you offer an add-on for Wooc that doesn’t work for almost all types of sales and for which you don’t provide support?

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