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  • You won’t be served a cached page if you’re logged in. Log out then see the page’s source again. Or you probably unchecked “Add debug information” on the Debug tab. Keep that checked.

    Thread Starter SimcaCZE


    In cache files still are not html tags </body></html> in the last of end of files. I use cache files for guest in pages at You will see at the end source code. If you are not login guest.

    When you look at the bottom of the page it says:
    <!-- Gator Cached post on ... ->
    That means the page is cached and gator cache is working as expected.
    Though your page is missing the </body> and </html> tags. This is more likely a theme issue. To check if this is indeed caused by Gator Cache, temporarily disable Gator Cache by unchecking “Enable Page Cache” on the plugin’s settings then go to the debug tab then click “Purge”. Check your page again if it is still missing the tags.

    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Those are just html comments that allow you to see the cache status. If you don’t want or need these, you can go to the debug tab and uncheck the “Add debug information” tab and you won’t get any of the cache information in your page source. They’re basically used to determine what Ron had mentioned – that the cache is working and when the pages were cached.

    Thread Starter SimcaCZE


    I know. I wrote last text 4 mounths before. In cache file (at disk) are not end tags body and html. I don’t know where is mistake.

    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Do the closing body / html tags show when caching is disabled? Are there any other optimizing type plugins enabled?

    Thread Starter SimcaCZE


    It could not have connections with error ” posix_getpwuid() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/59830/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/gator-cache/gator-cache.php on line 834″


    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Thanks for the info, but that would only come into effect on the admin panel where that function is used to show some of the debug information. The issue caused on your site is one of two things. Another plugin is buffering some of the output and it’s not being shown. Do you get the closing tags with “widget cache” disabled?

    The other common cause would be something that hooks wp_foot producing a fatal error, but usually in that case the cache wouldn’t be written – and you’d see the error in your logs.

    Thread Starter SimcaCZE


    Thanks for reply. Html code with and without are almost the same, except end tags </body></html>. Still I don’t know where is mistake. I try switch off
    plugin one by one. Maybe it makes one of very much plugins.

    Thread Starter SimcaCZE


    Still I have errors. I look into php code in wordpress. Some mistake is in function <?php wp_footer(); ?> Code below this function in footer.php do not save in cashe files.

    Thread Starter SimcaCZE


    Coincidentally I found incompatibilities – your plugin are not compatibility with plugin WP Facebook Open Graph protocol. At A disable plugin and change to other. Now I have and tags body and html have at my html code..

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