• Matt


    I’d like to get a URL parameter to be carried over from an inbound link (from an email, for example) throughout the WordPress area and ultimately to a separate e-commerce part of our site.

    For example, if a user came into the site with the following link, we’d like to get the “?SID=” parameter to stay with the user during their time in the WordPress area and ultimately to another area of the site.


    A breakdown of what we’re looking to accomplish, in the order of estimated increasing complexity:

    1 – Appending all dynamic links, such as Related Posts & Pagination links.

    2 – Appending all static links contained within a post

    3 – Appending all form submissions such as the Seach box submission

    I’m wondering if there’s a plugin or any other method to accomplish some or (fingers crossed) all of the functionality listed above.

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