• Resolved James V


    Encoded Videos Sound balance reverting to right channel, I have tried looking into the issue with no solution yet.

    I am currently trying to encode a 2min long mp4. This is the current command that is being executed:

    /usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i “../sample-video-h264.mp4” -acodec aac -strict experimental -b:a 256k -s 1920×1080 -vcodec libx264 -profile:v main -pix_fmt yuv420p -level:v 30 -crf 23 -threads 10 “../sample-video-h264-1080.mp4”

    I have the most recent ffmpeg, and I have updated my other libaries.


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  • Plugin Author Kyle Gilman


    Can you post a link to the original file? What do you mean by reverting? It was originally in the right channel then you did something so it was panned to the center, then it went back to the right channel? Is the original file stereo, mono, 5.1 surround sound? Does this happen with other videos? If you’re only working with one video file, you might have better luck transcoding it on your own computer using Handbrake.

    Thread Starter James V


    I apologize for not being clear the first time. When I upload a video to my wordpress site, I encoded the video in 720p, and 360p. I do not replace the original 1080p video.

    When I watch the video on my site, the 720p and 360p versions of the video are only outputting sound on the right side of my speakers (the balance is 100% on the rightside), but the original 1080p version is balenced correctly with sound on both the left and right.

    To answer your question yes, the sound is being changed to mono, whereas the original video is uploaded in stero. This has happened with all the videos I have tried so far.

    Plugin Author Kyle Gilman


    Please post a link to the original file and the output from the test encode window in the FFMPEG tab of the plugin settings page. Make sure to put the text between backticks

    Thread Starter James V


    I think I have found the problem. The videos I was trying to encode were ones I shot myself, they had 6 channels of audio not the normal 2 like stereo. I converted one of them to stereo (2 Channels) and it worked perfectly on the site. I will simply just change the way im producing videos so its stereo quality from the beginning. Thank you for responding very quickly to this support thread, I was very surprised when I got such a quick response!

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