Thanks for your message. We understand what you’re looking for, and ideally, this is something you could implement with an override of the “Search Form” element that you’re using for letting your guests start the booking process, so either a widget/block or a View (shortcode).
Every “Search Form” element will display some hidden form values to define the check-in and check-out times, and this is done automatically according to your global configuration settings, which should define respectively the minimum check-in time and the maximum check-out time. With a simple override of such elements, you could turn the hidden input fields into input fields of type number or eventually into select elements (drop downs).
Times for arrival and departure play a fundamental role with the calculation of the availability of your rooms/listings. In fact, by setting up a check-out time to a time after the check-in time, you will actually define a one-day turnover, which means that no arrivals are accepted on days when someone is checking out (departing). This is what you should be aware of by allowing the guests to choose by themselves the check-in and check-out times, because you risk to occupy the listings on the check-out days for new arrivals and new bookings. You will find a technical documentation on our website about creating overrides, and in the Configuration page of VikBooking you will find the apposite “Overrides Manager” tool. Thanks to the overrides you can work on copies of the original template files of the various elements/pages generated by VikBooking to ensure no future updates will ever touch your customization.
We invite you to get in touch with our team through our official website for any technical questions.
Thank you,
The VikWP Team