Thanks Brad that’s interesting.
I had a play with your pen. It seems to be loading a very old version of Plyr, v2.0.13? Any solution here would need to work with the latest version this plugin bundles, v3.7.8. The JS in your pen does not seem to work when loading this latest version.
I could add an option to the player to set captions: { defaultActive: true }
Plyr option, however this alone doesn’t seem to enable captions on YouTube videos.
If you can find a working non-hacky solution with the latest version of Plyr and would be happy to open a PR, I’d be happy to help get it merged. If not, I suggest you go with the “direct Plyr” solution you have in the pen for now.
I should mention, Plyr issues like the one I linked in my previous reply are unlikely to get fixed, as the Plyr player has been deprecated, with effort to be focused on the Vidstack Player. I’m hesitant to build more complexity into this plugin on top of Plyr.
When the Vidstack Player provides what this plugin needs to operate I will either replace Plyr with it, or make it the default player and keep Plyr around as an option for a while.