Enable gzip for specific files
Hello everyone,
I have created a news portal with WordPress and installed W3 Total Cache for speeding it up.
I have enabled gzip compression but, after a performance test I did with GTMetrix, I get F to gzip compression and it shows 2 files that need be compressed:Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 1016.9KiB (89% reduction).
Compressing https://marketpost.gr/wp-content/themes/Newspaper/style.css?ver=8.0 could save 994.9KiB (89% reduction).
Compressing https://api.forecast.io/forecast/14e061efad871728d513ff24ed0850d5/49.2866,-123.1158?lat=49.2866&lon=-123.1158&units=si&exclude=minutely%2Calerts%2Cflags&location=ip&unit_c=°C&unit_f=°F&lang=el&city=Vancouver%2CCA&callback=completeCallback could save 22.0KiB (84% reduction).My hosting provider done a very good job with mod_deflate in .htaccess but I need to gzip compress these to files excplicitly.
However, obviously, I don’t know how…
Any help, please? Thank you in advance.
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