Hi @schachtay,
What you explained should be fine. What I would do is create ideas from the backend as oppose to the frontend. For your board settings set the “Hold Ideas” option as “Yes”. In the existing plugin FAQ we then explain how you can hide the idea form with CSS (please see the second half in particular):
How do I have the idea form and the idea listing on separate pages?
At this point in time we don’t provide a coded solution to achieve this because currently there’s crossover functionality between the form and the idea listing – we recommend keeping them together for best functionality. However by using CSS you can hide the form or listing on your page to make this scenario work. For example, create a page called “Idea Form” and put your shortcode on the page. Then add the following CSS to hide the idea listing:
.ideapush-container-idea-header {display: none;} .ideapush-container-ideas {display: none;} .ideapush-container-header {display: none;} @media screen and (min-width: 1050px){.ideapush-form-inner {margin-left: 0px !important;}}
and if you want to make the form full width please add the following code:
@media screen and (min-width: 1050px){.ideapush-container-form {width: 100% !important;}}
then create a page for your idea listing called "Idea Listing" and put the same shortcode on this page and then add the following CSS to this page:
.ideapush-container-form {display: none !important;} @media screen and (min-width: 1050px){.ideapush-container-ideas {width: 100% !important;}}