OK, slight correction…?I’m serving the directory via Apache. But the .htaccess file in the cache directory does not contain anything similar to # BEGIN BWP Minify Rules ... # END BWP Minify Rules
If rewrite rules are not found, you will have to re-add them, either manually (if server config files are not writable) or automatically by visiting any BWP Minify’s admin page.
I’m not getting any errors about it in BWPM. Where can I find the rewrite rules to add manually?
I’m not sure, but I think the problem might be happening because the .htaccess file at my WordPress root contains:
# Protect .htaccess itself!
# The following hack prevents external access to any file starting with .hta
<Files ~ “^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])”>
order allow,deny
deny from all
satisfy all
UPDATE: I removed that bit of code from the WP root htaccess file and now BWPM’s htaccess rules show up in the cache folder’s htaccess file. However, the Friendly Minify URL function still breaks the site. But I forgot to mention this: It doesn’t break the site immediately. It usually works fine for 1-2 minutes and then breaks. And for those 1-2 minutes, I can see that it’s loading the Friendly Minify URL and that the Friendly Minify URL actually works.
Then 1-2 minutes later, the Friendly Minify URL gives a 404.
I’m using memcached, and I thought that might be the problem, so I disabled memcached, and that didn’t change anything except making the site slower.
So it’s weird. For now, at least, I just can’t use the Friendly Minify URL function.