This option was already on by default in previous versions of the plugin.
Many — MANY — people complained to me saying that it was a bad default value because in many cases they were publishing/editing multiple articles through out the day, which obviously would cause the automatic refresh of the cache, consequently making their websites slow (until the cache was regenerated). I decided to revert this option to reduce the number of tickets, that way I can focus on writing code rather than resolving tickets.
I will consider to reimplement this option by leveraging a new API endpoint in our Firewall that allows to specify which page we want to flush the cache, that way when you edit a page the plugin will only request the refresh of that specific page rather than the entire website.
However, there are many edge cases that I need to take in consideration before writing the code, this is easy for the “edit” action, but when you create a new page there is no URL to refresh, and depending on how the layout of the website was implemented the plugin may need to request the refresh of the home page, the internal post listing, custom pages defined by the webmaster, etc.
I will move this into our internal issue tracker and let my project manager decide when to implement this feature. Once I finish my work in other tasks that have a high priority I will move into this. Thank you for the suggestion.