the results are cached perfectly even I dont real understand the meaning of [widget_id=”my_id”] is.
This is the ID for that widget. It is mandatory only if you are using more than one Posts in Sidebar shortcode in your site, in order to avoid conflicts.
The ID is used to uniquely identify a single shortcode. It is useful for two reasons:
1) store the information for that shortcode in the database;
2) identify a shortcode in the rendered page on the front end, so that you can use precise CSS styles.
When you create a shortcode, use a unique ID for each shortcode.
BTW, I think [cached=1] is just a trigger for enable this function, But not a timer, Right?
The timer is defined by another option, cache_time
[pissc number=3 ignore_sticky=1 orderby="rand" cached=1 cache_time=86400]
For a more comprehensive explanation, I updated the wiki of this plugin. See the cache section for the shortcode.
By the way, I just uploaded the new 4.8.4 version to the wild. ??
Please, let me know!