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  • You have to make your own localization. Download the theme again and upload the zip file to this site, then download the generated .po file.
    Edit the .po file with Poedit and translate all text strings. Then save it as fr_FR.po and
    Crate a new folder in the Serene theme folder called “languages” and move these two files into the folder. Upload it all with FTP to your server.
    All done!

    Here is the version translated in french, it just remain the “One coment” to manualy translate, I didn’t find how.

    Voici la traduction du thème, je n’ai pas traduit “One comment” mais vous pouvez le faire en éditant le fichier comment.php :

    fr_FR.po :

    A placer tous deux dans le dossier language à créer dans le dossier du thème

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