• Resolved hcmendez


    We have 2 donation forms at the moment, 1 form is for non-members and the other form is for members only. We are controlling our membership with Memberpress. And we have a Donation History page that uses this shortcode [donation_history id=false status=true payment_method=true], this page is only accessible to members with a membership.

    Public Donation: https://wordpress-364600-2707994.cloudwaysapps.com/make-a-donation/
    Members Only: https://wordpress-364600-2707994.cloudwaysapps.com/members-donation/
    Donation History: https://wordpress-364600-2707994.cloudwaysapps.com/donation-history/

    I tested making a non-logged-in donation from the public access donation form and everything went well. Then, I registered myself as a member (by purchasing a Memberpress membership) using the same email as the public donation and did another donation with the Members Only donation form, and everything went well too.

    The problem is that if I go to the Donation History page after doing the donation, it keeps showing me this alert when I obviously did a donation, if fact, a lot of donations.

    It looks like you haven’t made any donations.

    I checked the Donors sections from GiveWP and my user is there, but it shows this:

    User ID: Unregistered

    Is there a fix to make the plugin knows that I’m the same user who did a Public Donation and that I’m also a member of the site who did a Members Only donation?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Hi @hcmendez,

    Happy to clarify.

    By default, GiveWP does not automatically associate a donor profile with a WordPress user profile.

    That said, you can enable User Registration on the form, this way GiveWP will create a WordPress User profile for any new donor :

    Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Hi @hcmendez,

    Just checking in on this issue. We’d love to hear whether our support helped resolve the problem or not.

    Do you still need assistance here?

    If you still need help, reply and we’ll make sure everything is handled.

    Thread Starter hcmendez


    Hi, thanks for your answer, but isn’t there a way to allow the plugin to identify if the same user is registering an account as a member under the same email? We don’t want to use any free registration or login.

    Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Hi @hcmendez,

    Currently, that’s not possible but we do have a feature request about it on our site here: https://feedback.givewp.com/bug-reports/p/donors-with-account-can-only-donate-again-while-logging-in

    Our feedback site is designed to be the single source for all updates on particular issues. If any movement has happened, it will be displayed there for both the public and our team internally.

    If specific feedback only has a handful of votes, that influences the priority we place on it. The more votes, the faster things get worked on!

    Plugin Support Matheus Martins


    Hi @hcmendez.

    Do you still need assistance here? I’ll close this ticket for now but if you still need assistance with it, please reopen it and we’ll happily assist you.

    If you have other issues, you can open a new ticket and we’ll help you there too.

    Thanks for using GiveWP! Have a great day.

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