• Hello, I have a snippet code that allows me to send an email to the member who sponsors a new member, it helps filter fraudsters. I have a problem, when it is activated, when a member fills out the registration form, once he has clicked on the validation email link, the fields he filled in when registering are empty , he is obliged to redo his profile. I don’t know why, can you help me?

      * Set custom email notification template and setting
     function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){
            $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array(
                    'key'                  => 'um_custom_validate_account',
                    'title'                => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ),
                    'subject'              => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention',
                    'body'                 => 'Hi,'.
                                       ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.'.
                    'description'          => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'),
                    'recipient'      => 'admin',
                    'default_active'       => true
            return $notifications;
    add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 );
     * Send email notification to the sponsor
    function um_notify_sponsors($data)
    		$sponsor_recipient = $data['email_parrain'];
            $profile_name =$data['parrain'];
            $profile_url = "";
            UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array(
                                    'plain_text' =>0 ,
                                    'tags' => array(
                                    'tags_replace' => array(
            ) );
    add_action("um_before_save_filter_submitted","um_notify_sponsors",10, 1);
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Thread Starter melchi2


    Le code snippset original is:

    '&'      $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array(
                    '&'#039;key'                  => '&'#039;um_custom_validate_account',
                    '&'#039;title'                => __( '&'#039;Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ),
                    '&'#039;subject'              => '&'#039;{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention',
                    '&'#039;body'                 => '&'#039;Hi,<br /><br />'.
                                       '&'#039; You have sponsored '&'quot;{profile_name}&quot; on the site.<br /><br />'.
                                       '&'#039;To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}',
                    '&'#039;description'          => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'),
                    '&'#039;recipient'      => '&'#039;admin',
                    '&'#039;default_active'       => true
            return '$notifications';
    add_filter( '&'#039;um_email_notifications', '&'#039;um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 );
     * Send email notification to the sponsor
    function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){
        um_fetch_user( $user_id );
        $sponsor_recipient = um_user(&quot;email_parrain);
            $profile_name = um_user(&quot;display_name&quot;);
            $profile_url = um_user_profile_url( $user_id );
            UM()->mail()->send( $recipient, '&'#039;um_custom_validate_account', array(
                                    '&'#039;plain_text'   => 1,
                                    '&'#039;tags'                                 => array(
                                    '&'#039;tags_replace' => array(
            ) );
    add_action(&quot;um_user_register&quot;,&quot;um_notify_sponsors&quot;,10, 1);
    Thread Starter melchi2


    the original code dont work
    The code snippet you are trying to save produced a fatal error at line 0:

    Directive ‘allow_url_include’ is deprecated

    Thread Starter melchi2


    I also tried with this code but without success, I can’t do it. I called a developer but he can’t do it

      * Set custom email notification template and setting
     function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){
            $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array(
                    'key'                  => 'um_custom_validate_account',
                    'title'                => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ),
                    'subject'              => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention',
                    'body'                 => 'Hi,<br /><br />'.
                                       ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'.
                                        'To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}',
                    'description'          => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'),
                    'recipient'      => 'email',
                    'default_active'       => true
            return $notifications;
    add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 );
     * Send email notification to the sponsor
    function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){
        um_fetch_user( $user_id );
        $sponsor_recipient = $user_id['email_parrain'];
            $profile_name = $user_id['identifiant'];
            $profile_url = um_user_profile_url( $user_id );
            UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array(
                                    'plain_text' =>1 ,
                                    'tags' => array(
                                    'tags_replace' => array(
            ) );
    add_action("um_before_save_filter_submitted","um_notify_sponsors",10, 1);


    I have made some changes to your code snippet:

    add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 );
    add_action( "um_before_save_registration_details", "um_notify_sponsors", 10, 2 );
      * Set custom email notification template and setting
      function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){
        $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array(
                'key'            => 'um_custom_validate_account',
                'title'          => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ),
                'subject'        => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention',
                'body'           => 'Hi,<br /><br />'.
                                   ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'.
                                    'To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}',
                'description'    => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'),
                'recipient'      => 'user',
                'default_active' => true
        return $notifications;
    * Send email notification to the sponsor
    function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id, $submitted ){
        um_fetch_user( $user_id );
            um_user( 'email_parrain' ), 'um_custom_validate_account', 
                    'plain_text'   => false,
                    'tags'         => array(
                    'tags_replace' => array(
                                        um_user( 'identifiant' ),
                                        um_user_profile_url( $user_id ),
    Thread Starter melchi2


    Thanks Veronica , i try

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by melchi2.
    Thread Starter melchi2


    Now the profile is complete but the sponsor no longer receives emails, it’s madness. I’ll try to improve, I’m crossing my fingers, thanks again Veronica

    Thread Starter melchi2


    With this code the sponsor receives the notification
    but the form is empty, with your code it’s the opposite. I have tried everything without success

     * Send email notification to the sponsor
    function um_notify_sponsors($data)
    		$sponsor_recipient = $data['email_parrain'];
            $profile_name =$data['user_login'];
            $profile_url = "";
            UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array(
                                    'plain_text' =>0 ,
                                    'tags' => array(
                                    'tags_replace' => array(
            ) );
    add_action("um_before_save_filter_submitted","um_notify_sponsors",10, 1);
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by melchi2.
    Thread Starter melchi2


    Hello Veronica,

    I tried with your code but I do not receive the godfather does not receive an email
    On the registration form, I modified the email to put custom email, I tried with the keys um_custom_validate_account and um_notify_sponsors, but unfortunately nothing works. Here is the code used

      * Set custom email notification template and setting
     function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){
    	$notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array(
    		'key'           	=> 'um_custom_validate_account',
    		'title'         	=> __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ),
    		'subject'       	=> '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention',
    		'body'          	=> 'Hi,<br /><br />'.
    		                   ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'.
    		                   'To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}',
    		'description'   	=> __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'),
    		'recipient'   	 	=> 'admin',
    		'default_active' 	=> true
    	return $notifications;
    add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 );
     * Send email notification to the sponsor
    function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){
        $user_id = $user->ID;
        um_fetch_user( $user_id ); 
        $sponsor_recipient  = um_user( 'email_parrain' );
    	$profile_name  = um_user( 'user_login ');
    	$profile_url  = um_user_profile_url( $user_id );
    	UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array(
    				'plain_text'	 => 0,
    				'tags'				 => array(
    				'tags_replace' => array(
    	) );
    add_action("um_user_register","um_notify_sponsors",10, 2);


    I tried to make a cleanup of your code snippet but you are still posting your own code.

    You are also posting the same duplicated code snippets in this thread:


    My suggestion is that you hire a programmer for your UM customization.
    You can look for a WP knowledgable programmer here:


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