Hi esoma,
About the minor issues that you mentioned:
1. We just had a look and it seems as though the feature is currently only affecting the tabbed product page type. I can see that the empty fields are still showing on the default product page type. Is this the one you’re using? We’ll take a look to see if we can get this updated, so that it’s hidden on the default product page as well.
2. In order to arrange the items in the catalogue please click on the catalogue that you want to edit under the Catalogue Tab in the plugin Dashboard. If you scroll to the bottom of the screen, you will see a list of all products in that catalogue. You can just drag and drop them in the correct order that you desire.
Please Note: If you have categories for different products, the catalogue will show the categories instead of the products(You can still drag and drop the categories in order). To change the order of products in each category, you can do the same as above. Select the category under the Category tab in the plugin Dashboard and scroll to the bottom. There you will see all the products in that category that you can drag and drop in order.
3. Unfortunately there is currently no labelling option for the price filter. The two alternative ways to change it would be to either create a translation (using a program like Poedit) or to modify it directly in the plugin code. This is found in the “Shortcodes.php” file in the “Functions” folder.
It’s important to note, though, that any changes made here would be overwritten if you update the plugin.