• Resolved yankiara



    I inserted the CORRECT_ANSWER_INFO variable in results text, but when the field is empty in question tab, it is dispolayed as “NA” in results.

    I think it would be nice to have an option to hide it if empty.


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  • Hi Yankiara,

    To hide this info, go to Text tab of the quiz and select Results page %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% from the drop-down and remove comments entered portion from the textarea.

    Please do the same. Thanks for reaching out to us.


    Thread Starter yankiara


    Sorry Kriti but I don’t understand.

    In Test tab / Results page %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% dropdown, I set this:


    And in the result page on frontend, if correct answer is filled for a question, it is displayed after question result, but if it is empty, “NA” is displayed instead. I would like to remove this “NA” when there is no correct answer information for a question.

    In summary, I think %CORRECT_ANSWER_INFO% should return empty string instead of NA when it is not filled in question options.

    Does it make sense?

    Hi Yankiara,

    I apologize but if you have set the correct answer info for few questions and if you haven’t set the correct answer info for others. It will display NA for the questions you haven’t set correct answer info.

    And according to us, displaying NA for such questions makes much more sense as it provides the info to the user that admin didn’t share the correct answer info for that question rather than displaying just the empty string.

    I hope you are satisfied with my response.


    Thread Starter yankiara


    Well, I personally find it very unesthetic and useless ??
    Especially when you don’t add any label before it.

    See this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/upxvza

    Anyway, what would be perfect is an option field to set the empty label, so that user can define his own message (“”, “NA”, “No details provided”, etc.).

    Or at least a CSS class to the div like “.empty-info” when info field is blank, so that we can hide it easily.

    Thanks for your help!

    Hi @yankiara,

    At the moment, you can use the label “Correct answer info” to define the text as correct answer information.



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