• Resolved eSaner


    I’m trying to use the Occupation field as a custom field by changing the field title. This works fine on the frontend form and on the Donations cpt admin list and individual Donation cpt edit pages.

    However, I can’t get the data to appear on the Donor admin pages. By default Seamless Donations displays Occupation and Employer columns in the Donor admin list, but even with my customizations disabled, that field data does not display in those columns (changing the column title works fine).

    I see that the Occupation data is saved to the _dgx_donate_occupation field, but in cpt-donors.php lines 131-134 the admin column field is filled with data from _dgx_donate_donor_occupation. See below.

    public function cell_donor_occupation ( $sCell, $iPostID ) { // cell_{post type}_{column key}
    		return esc_attr ( get_post_meta ( $iPostID, '_dgx_donate_donor_occupation', true ) );

    I don’t think this field actually exists, which is why no data appears on the Donor admin list. Further, it seems the _dgx_donate_occupation is only meta for the Donations cpt, not the Donor cpt, so displaying this data would require a connection between the two. I realize this connection exists, as some donation information is displayed on the donor page.

    Any help on how to display post meta from Donations on the Donor admin list and single Donor edit pages?

    Thanks very much!


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  • Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Well, first this is an ideal example of why you should use hooks and a plugin, because if you hack the core code, it’s likely an update will overwrite it.

    But secondly, donors and donations (since 4.0.13 or .14) are linked both ways with an ID. So you’d do a typical WordPress post query on one, get the id from a post meta, and then feed that into a WordPress query on the other.


    Thread Starter eSaner


    Thanks for the reply. I’m already making modifications via hooks in a separate plugin. My main point, though, is that without any modifications, the display of Employer and Occupation is not working on the Donor admin list. Seamless Donations sets up the columns, but tries to display data from a _dgx_donate_donor_occupation field, which doesn’t exist.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    I’ll record it as a bug and check it out.


    P.S. Marking as resolved because recorded as a possible bug.

    Hey guys!

    Either of you have any luck figuring this out? I’ve observed the same problem. None of the employer/occupation/etc info is being collected. Only the basics that get sent back from the IPN.



    Found this and thought you might be interested in incorporating:

    I see your plugin now saves the database fields as _dgx_donate_employer_name and _dgx_donate_occupation so the difference in wording is one reason it wouldn’t work even as the blogger wrote it.

    I have success in my WP backend under DONORS CPT by using the following code replacement in your cpt-donors.php file:

    public function cell_donor_employer ( $sCell, $iPostID ) { // cell_{post type}_{column key}

    return esc_attr ( get_post_meta ( $iPostID, ‘_dgx_donate_employer_name’, true ) );

    public function cell_donor_occupation ( $sCell, $iPostID ) { // cell_{post type}_{column key}

    return esc_attr ( get_post_meta ( $iPostID, ‘_dgx_donate_occupation’, true ) );

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR PLUGIN and I’m really happy I was able to solve this for myself, the original poster above, and you!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by James Monroe.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by James Monroe.

    Also added the following code to the lower areas of cpt-donors.php file that specify meta output on the custom post type page itself:

    $occupation = get_post_meta ( $post_id, ‘_dgx_donate_occupation’, true );
    $employer = get_post_meta ( $post_id, ‘_dgx_donate_employer_name’, true );

    $html .= $occupation != ” ? $occupation . ‘<br>’ : ”;
    $html .= $employer != ” ? $employer . ‘<br>’ : ”;

    Both in the appropriate areas where these variables are defined and then called.
    This way we are outputting this data we’ve collected in both places (the list of donors and then the donor custom post type)

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