Thanks for your message. We understand the situation, and if you would like to embed just a portion of a View (page) generated by VikBooking, like the “Room Details” page, then the only solutions available are CSS customizations or Overrides.
However, we would like to inform you that the VikBooking comes with a WordPress native block and widget called “Search Form”. Blocks or legacy widgets can be used on any page of your website through your preferred page-builder plugin (even Gutenberg), and they support settings. Among these settings it is possible to configure the Search Form block/widget to book a specific listing (apartment) or room-type.
Native blocks/widgets can be easily embedded on any page of your website without needing to perform any changes. However, that module will not display the availability calendars of a precise room/apartment in VikBooking, it will rather display the datepicker calendars to start the booking process over one exact room per block/widget instance.
If you would like to use the “Room Details” page generated through a Shortcode, then you should either hide the unwanted elements via CSS (custom CSS rules can be placed inside your Theme or directly in the apposite CSS file for customization available in the Configuration settings of VikBooking), or you should use the apposite “Overrides Manager” tool available in the Configuration page of VikBooking. Overrides consist in creating a clone of a native page of the plugin, and working on a copy to customize all HTML, JavaScript and PHP contents. This way you can delete the unwanted sections and keep just the availability calendars.
The good things about the overrides are that future plugin updates will never touch your changes, and thanks to the Overrides Manager tool, you can quickly modify, unpublish or delete your override copy of specific plugin pages or widgets.
We feel like suggesting to reconsider the need of embedding such pages of VikBooking into other pages, because thanks to the native functions, you could handle the booking process of your rooms/apartments directly through VikBooking, and especially if you are willing to connect Airbnb with our E4jConnect Channel Manager in the future, VikBooking should be able to collect your direct bookings in order to sync every channel/OTA.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team