Embed script?
Is it possible to embed the following script?
[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]
<script type="text/javascript"> SETTINGS_HOST = "//xxx.xxx.xxx"; TP_FORM_SETTINGS = { "main": { "marker": "13260", "width": 700, "white_label_host": "", "show_logo": false, "show_hotels": null, "form_type": "avia", "currency": "rub", "sizes": "default", "search_target": "_self", "origin_iata": "", "destination_iata": "", "origin_name": null, "destination_name": null, "border_radius": "5" }, "best_offers": { "origin_iata": "", "origin_name": "", "destination_iata": "", "destination_name": "", "language": "", "currency": "rub", "one_way": false, "offers_switch": true }, "color_scheme": { "icons": "icons_blue", "background": "#ffffff", "color": "#000000", "border_color": "#cccccc", "button": "#03bae4", "button_text_color": "#ffffff" } }; (function(){ var code = ['<div class="aviasales_inlineable">', '<div style="visibility: hidden;" data-widgets-forms-inlineable="{"forms":"search","link":"/widgets/518554c2ad3878708d00000e.json?locale=ru"}">', '<div class="nano_form_tabs_wp ultra_narrow_tabs">', '<div class="nano_form_tabs" data-widgets-forms-inlineable-tabs="">', '</div></div></div></div>']; var loader_url = SETTINGS_HOST + '/assets/nano_ui/widgets/partners/loader_ru.js?no_cache=' + (+new Date()); code.push('<' + 'script src="' + loader_url + '">' + '<' +'/script>'); document.write(code.join('')); })(); </script>
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