Thank you – this works for me, but what should I add/change in this code in order to automatically add the post title as a title of the link to the post? I need to replace “Link-to-the-post” with the actual post title in this snippet:
add_filter( 'fep_filter_message_before_send', 'fep_cus_send_url', 999 );
function fep_cus_send_url( $message ) {
if( empty( $message['message_content'] ) || $message['post_parent'] )
return $message;
$message['message_content'] .= '<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content">';
$message['message_content'] .= '<a href="';
$message['message_content'] .= esc_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
$message['message_content'] .= '" target="_blank">Link-to the-post</a>';
$message['message_content'] .= '</blockquote>';
return $message;