Embed Google DOC Shows HTML
Hi, nice looking plugin.
I try the plugin and embed a simple Google DOC https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSdNj2uf-wWantcTFNe8-V7jwge1I9o5i3vYX1LHfLJ6vho70KK0D6t79npv-NR73x5s8CkpMe98NIx/pub?embedded=true
The page with the generated embed shortcode only show HTML and not actual Google DOC?
Example: https://i.imgur.com/imODMY8.jpg
FYI: I also tried a DOCX stored on Google and same results, show HTML and not the actual doc.
Really like to use plugin, is there something I can change to fix display of Google DOCS?
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