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  • The code you posted above is in an invalid format. Not sure if that went wrong when you pasted it here or if that’s what you actually posted on your site.

    This would be the correct code:

    <iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" seamless="seamless" allowFullScreen></iframe>
    Thread Starter WatkinsT


    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I copy and pasted the code from what the person gave me. So, is there something I need to tell them about the code they sent because they sent another one that is also not working: <iframe src=” <; ” width=”480″ height=”270″ frameBorder=”0″ seamless=”seamless” allowFullScreen></iframe>

    Also, I copied the code you gave me and tried to insert it into the URL and still nothing comes up?? Am I doing something wrong?

    I’m trying to get this up today, so thanks so much for your quick reply!!

    1. In both cases the code you posted is malformed. I would tell the person, “The iframe tags you are sending are malformed, inside the opening iframe tag there is another tag inside the src attribute. Would you please check this with your technical team?”

    The correct versions are:
    The first (as posted by SEnff)
    <iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" seamless="seamless" allowFullScreen></iframe>

    The second
    <iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" seamless="seamless" allowFullScreen></iframe>

    2. To add this code to your page, you need to be in Text mode (not Visual mode). See controls highlighted on
    Then paste the iframe code directly on the page (refer to image)

    Thread Starter WatkinsT


    Hi Sal, thank you so much. That worked. You’re awesome!

    Glad I could help.



    <iframe style=”border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 500px; height:
    351px;”src=”; width=”300″ height=”150″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe>

    This video code isnot workin in my site



    <iframe src=”; scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border: none; overflow:hidden; width: 425px; height: 351px” allowtransparency=”true”></iframe>

    Hi hawraar,

    The code from your second post is working for me (your first has an extra line break after “height:”).

    To add this code to your page, you need to be in Text mode (not Visual mode). See controls highlighted on
    Then paste the iframe code directly on the page (refer to image)

    In the future, please create a new support ticket rather than replying to an existing one. It will help others reply to it more quickly.

    I hope this helps.

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