Emails stop working 2 times a day
I’m having a weird issue where twice a day now i have to go into “Mail Integration 365 Settings” and click “Authorise plugin to integrate with Office 365” this is rather annoying. just not sure if this is an issue with my azure account or not.
p.s. i recently changed domains from .com to
so the website is on and the emails are currently on .com still
not sure if this is the issue as the plugin was working find before i did this.p.p.s
I did change the redirect uri in my azure app registrations.Cheers,
Hi, so I’ve been trying to think of reasons why this might be happening. At face value it would seem potentially to do with the access token expiring and not being possible to refresh it using the refresh token. However, access tokens expire every hour by default in Microsoft Graph, so the time frame between working and not working would be far shorter than 2 days if this was the case. I’ve also have the latest version of the plugin installed on four different sites for a week now and not seen emails stop sending on any site. I would expect many people to be posting this issue as well, if it were an issue with access token expiration.
Logic would seem to say therefore, that if this has only started happening since you’ve changed the domains, that this would be the cause. Thus my thoughts would be whether this has something to do with the default domain for the account having to be the one the email is sent from, but again this doesn’t explain why it would work initially and then stop. It should either fail from the point of authorisation, or just work.
Sorry I can’t be of more help. I’ll keep researching, and if I have a eureka moment I’ll let you know on here.
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
Hi Edward,
first of all kudos to you for your terrific work!
I have installed this plugin a few days ago – and while I’m still in testing phase, I have to second Jaxson’s comment/request.
I’m facing the exact same issue: the plugin is working fine, and when I return the next day and do some test run it’s no longer sending any email. Once I hit the “Authorise plugin to integrate with Office 365” button again, it’s working. I have not yet done more testing on how long it takes until it stops working, but it’s more than the one hour you mentioned and less than 24 hours. Also, I have not changed any domains recently (like Jaxson), so there must be something else ongoing…
Please let me know if I can do any specific tests…
OliverHi Oliver,
If you could download the following plugins:
-This one to capture any errors:
-This one to try sending a test email once you get the observed issue (before re-authorising to get a new access token): would be interesting to know if the test email plugin still manages to send an email, as I know this uses wp_mail() to send email (the function I effectively hook into to capture mail events in WordPress).
If you can provide any errors from either plugin to me that would be useful (you can email me the logs if they have sensitive info in them: [email protected])
Hey Oliver and Edward.
I’ll do the same thing as Oliver and report back to you so you can have multiple perspectives on the issue. I ordered a new domain matching the that the website is on, but have not tested it fully yet. It could be something to do with our azure settings.
JaxsonHi Ed,
thanks a bunch for the quick response.
So, I’m currently in the situation again where my website stopped sending emails.
I installed the two plug-ins as suggested. Interestingly, WP Test Email says that it sent the test email successfully, and WP Mail Logging shows the test email. I do NOT get any error messages at all, while the email actually isn’t sent.Any ideas?
Thanks again,
OliverI have an idea, but it doesn’t explain why it would work and then stop working. The plugin captures any wp_mail() event, relaying the email via the Graph API through the Mail class found in mail.php. This class is set to return false if an error is thrown during the Graph API request (i.e. relaying of the email), which in turn should mean the captured wp_mail() request returns false, and thus WP Test Email should show a “message not sent” error. However, the fact it doesn’t suggests the Graph API request is completing successfully, and thus wp_mail() is returning true, so quite why the email isn’t being delivered I can’t work out. I need to have another look at the code. I know I’ve set the return value for thrown errors to false, rather than returning the error message, to avoid issues with Contact Form 7’s error handler. However, this should just mean you get an “email not sent” error without the detailed error message being shown. If you’re any good at error handling in PHP, you might wish to take a look at the mail.php file, I may well be missing something obvious, but quite why I’m not having this error on all four of my sites, I can’t explain! I assume you guys are using the latest version of the plugin? One other thought, you don’t have any other SMTP or mail relay plugins enabled/installed on your sites? If they load first and are plugging into the wp_mail function, this will cause issues. Unfortunately you can only plug the function once, and as I understand it, it’s first come first serve.
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Hi Edward,
thanks again.
As it’s working fine after the initial authentication and then stops after a while, I assume there’s some kind of timeout ongoing in the OAuth approach, but I’m not into the details. Based on what I read in the MS documentation ( it looks like the initial authorization times out after 1 hour and then needs to be renewed using the refresh token. But I assume that’s how your plug-in works (and again, I’m not into any of the details behind).Regarding the other mail plugins, I originally had WP Mail SMTP installed and activated (prior to installing your plugin). I still have it installed, but it’s deactivated. If helpful, I can play around with that as well, just let me know.
OliverHi Ed,
while I do have quite a bit of coding background. I actually don’t know much about php and (as mentioned) I’m also not into the details of OAuth. Still, I couldn’t resist to have a look at your mail.php file. And I think, I may have some additional idea now:
According to the MS documentation for OAuth, when (successfully) refreshing an access token, the response not only includes a new access token, but also a refresh token. The MS website states:
“Although refresh tokens aren’t revoked when used to acquire new access tokens, you are expected to discard the old refresh token. The OAuth 2.0 spec says: “The authorization server MAY issue a new refresh token, in which case the client MUST discard the old refresh token and replace it with the new refresh token. The authorization server MAY revoke the old refresh token after issuing a new refresh token to the client.”Looking at your code, I think based on the getAccessToken response during the refresh, you update the access token with the newly received one. But I didn’t see any code where you also update the refresh token with the potentially revised one.
Again, I’m far from claiming that I’m even close to understanding your code, so this may be “utter bs” – if so, please kindly ignore ?? But I thought this may be a potential explanation of the odd behavior, as the MS documentation keeps it rather vague regarding if/when refresh tokens expire…
Let me know your thoughts.
OliverCheers Oliver, it’s a bit confusing, but the returned $access_token variable is actually a special object with various functions, one of which is getRefreshToken(), the other getToken(). So in other words it contain both tokens.
The former returns the associated refresh token, the latter the access token. Confusingly though, when you echo or print the object, it shows up as a string which is the access token.
If you just store the string (obtained either be by printing the object, or using the getToken() function), the functions getRefreshToken() and getToken() won’t be present, as it ceases to be an object, and becomes a string.
It could be that for some reason your version of WordPress is serialising the $access_token object incorrectly when saving to the database using update_option(). However, quite why this would differ from your version compared to mine I’m not sure.
One way of checking this would be to try adding the following code as line 142 within the mail.php file:
echo $access_token->getRefreshToken();
Obviously only do this on a test/development site, as a) you don’t want to echo your refresh token publicly, and b) if it throws an error it could effect your site.
If it’s stored the $access_token object correctly then you should see a long string after sending a test email using the test mail plugin. This is the refresh token. If it hasn’t, you’ll see an error.
Can you also confirm what version of PHP you’re using (I’d need the full version i.e. 7.x.x) not just 7 or 7.x)?
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Hi Ed,
well, that’s what you get when trying to troubleshoot some code you don’t really fully understand ??
Guess I missed the part that a new token includes basically both, the access and the refresh token. Sorry for that.And, just BTW: I’m running PHP 7.4.14, ie the newest version.
Last but not least, I did some further debugging (by inserting some echo statements). Among others, I inserted echo statements in the “if ($access_token->hasExpired())” part, one right before the statement to refresh the token, and one right after that statement. Interestingly, I see the output of the first echo, but NOT the one of the second echo. Looks almost like the php script stops right when trying to get the new token.
Perhaps this is of help to you?Thanks,
OliverThanks Oliver. If you guys have development/test sites that you don’t mind trying the following version of the plugin on, that would be useful:!AjoxXtJ6vilVhqQTApY89dG3Ve38pw?e=RhARTn
The link will provide you with a zipped plugin file which you can install manually from the add new area of the plugins menu within WordPress. Once there, you just need to select the “upload plugin” option to install it.
I’ve adjusted the error and OAuth scope handling which may be what’s causing the issue, or at least it should now print any error from the OAuth process.
Once installed, I would first re-authorise using the authorise button to make sure you’ve got an access token with the correct scope. Then try sending an email using the test mail plugin – wait an hour and try again to see if it sends. I’ve added an echo statement to show if the access token has expired. Hence you should see the word “expired” the second time you try and send an email after an hour or more has past. If you don’t see the word “expired” the second time you send a test email, this will show the plugin isn’t requesting a new access token after expiry.
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Steven Stern (sterndata).
I both, you can ignore my last message, I’ve just gone ahead and uploaded it as a new plugin version. If it doesn’t resolve your issues, I’m afraid I’m out of ideas, as it’s working fine my end.
Hi Ed,
thanks again for the quick response.
I’ve installed V1.3 right now and will do some testing later today. I’ll report back later.Thanks again,
OliverHey Guys,
Thought I made a reply last night but I didn’t click submit.
I believe your on the right track Edward by changing the scope, as everything I can see online about o365 not giving the Refresh Token directly relates to the offline_access scope and api permission. however this is quite strange that it specifically doesn’t work for us. I believe this might be an issue with our azure accounts, unless theirs another plugin that’s conflicting with your plugin for some strange reason.
Ill give the new version a try and let you know
JaxsonSo I installed the new version while it wasn’t working,
Sent a test email with the new version and it worked straight away.
This sounds good so far as the only way it would start working again is if it requested the refresh token as I didn’t manually authorize it.
However I’m not sure if it was just something to do with the plugin updating. -
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