Hi, I’m actually involved on this project too – we appreciate your help to resolve. We’ve tried both “scheduling the posts” and just hitting “publish”, doesn’t seem to make a difference. Subscribe2html notification still only goes out to 1 email address – not full subscriber list. it looks perfect with the html/excerpt formatting we want, just not going to everyone on our list.
I found a similar post about messages not going out to subscribers all of a sudden, but we only have 47 public subscribers. The 1 email is my previous programmers ADMINISTRATOR login (which is my email) it is the FIRST email listed under our REGISTERED SUBSCRIBERS LIST.
If he had done any sort of hack to the plugin we would have removed when emoshun uninstalled/reinstalled the plugin. Is there any other place within wordpress that it could override your plugin like that?
We’ve spent a lot of time trying to workout a fix and the client is ready to just drop the plugin. I’d love to figure out and keep using the plugin! Thanks for your time!