• Resolved Don527


    Hi, Jason
    Thanks for the great plugin. I have searched the support forums and haven’t found a solution.

    I am hosting WordPress on Pagely and using Hover.com for email forwards. My emails forward to a gmail account. I am using my Hover.com email as the sending address and using Sendgrid as the email sender. My emails are being sent by Postman and Sendgrid (they say) but seem to get stuck at Hover. Hover swears everything is setup just fine.

    Postman says: Postman will send mail via ??SMTP-STARTTLS to smtp.sendgrid.net:587 using Password (Plain) authentication.

    Here is the Postman connectivity message I get:
    Port 25 can be used for SMTP to smtp.sendgrid.net. Warning: connected to null instead of sendgrid.net.
    ? ?? Port 443 can be used to send Gmail with the Gmail API.
    ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp.sendgrid.net. Warning: connected to null instead of sendgrid.net.
    ? ?? Port 465 can be used for SMTP to smtp.sendgrid.net. Warning: connected to null instead of sendgrid.net.

    What should I change?

    Other info:
    OS: Linux web116.pagelydev.com 3.2.0-84-virtual #121-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 5 19:06:06 UTC 2015 x86_64
    HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36
    Platform: PHP Linux 5.5.22-1+deb.sury.org~precise+1 / WordPress 4.2.2 en_US
    PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=Yes
    WordPress Plugins: Akismet, Alexa Claim and Certify, Easy Digital Downloads, Easy Digital Downloads – Free Downloads, Easy Digital Downloads – PDF Stamper, WordPress Editorial Calendar, Google Analytics Dashboard for WP, Jetpack by WordPress.com, Postman SMTP, WordPress SEO, Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
    WordPress Theme: Expound
    Postman Version: 1.6.22
    Postman Sender Domain: donnallong.com
    Postman Transport URI|Force Email|Name: smtp:tls:plain://smtp.sendgrid.net:587|No|No
    Postman Transport Status (Configured|Ready|Connected): Yes|Yes|Yes
    Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 6|0
    Postman Bind (Success|Fail|Path): Yes|No|/dom10569/wp-content/plugins/postman-smtp/Postman/PostmanWpMailBinder.php
    Postman TCP Timeout (Connection|Read): 10|60
    Postman Email Log (Enabled|Limit|Transcript Size): Yes|10|128
    Postman Run Mode: production
    Postman PHP LogLevel: 40000
    Postman Stealth Mode: No
    Postman File Locking (Enabled|Temp Dir): Yes | /tmp


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  • Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Hi Don, that’s quite the setup!

    So let me see if I understand…

    You are trying to get Postman to send with (Envelope) From a hover.com address To a hover.com address via SendGrid, and hover.com then forwards that same email To a gmail.com address? Is that right?

    And donnallong.com is set as the (Message) From?

    Thread Starter Don527


    Hi, Jason

    I set it up the way the Pagely, Sendgrid and Hover told me to, it’s so complicated it doesn’t work. It was a standard WordPress emailing of posts set up. I had no problem when the site was hosted on WordPress.com, in April I switched to Pagely.

    I just want this to work. I want to use Postman to send emails from my WordPress at Pagely. What is the simplest way for that to work? Perhaps I should get a totally different email for the send from and reply to, for the email posts. What do you suggest?

    For Edification Purposes, here is the Mess.
    The Mess: Pagley likes emails handled by Postman and a seperate email service from there hosting. Postman SMTP sends the email. My email address is hosted at Hover.com and is the sent from/reply to email – inseason[at]donnallong.com Postman is using inseason[at]donnallong.com as the sent from/reply to address. Hover doesn’t send blast emails, so Hover told me to use another service, enter Sendgrid. Hover only forwards email. Hover forwards inseason[at]donnallong to a gmail account for any replies. After I set it up, Pagely, Hover and Sendgrid each told me I had set it up correctly. But it doesn’t work.

    Thank you for bravely wading into the mess.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    I want to use Postman to send emails from my WordPress at Pagely. What is the simplest way for that to work?

    The simplest way is to configure it with your Gmail address. The downside being emails will not appear to come from your donnallong domain, nor is it good for blast emails.

    My emails are being sent by Postman and Sendgrid .. but seem to get stuck at Hover

    I’m not 100% on what the problem is. In what scenario does it fail? Let’s pretend that you’re using a contact form. If I fill in your contact form, then the message should:

    1. be addressed to inseason[at]donnallong.com
    2. be addressed from me jason[at]wherever
    3. have a reply-to address of inseason[at]donnallong.com
    4. should leave Postman with an envelope from of inseason[at]donnallong.com
    5. should go through Sendgrid’s servers where I believe the envelope from is changed to an untelligible sendgrid.com email address
    6. should arrive at hover where it should be forwarded to you[at]gmail, where it should say From jason[at]wherever to inseason[at]donnallong.com

    It sound plausible? Is the problem that step six never happens? how do you know step five happens?

    What do you suggest?

    Personally, I use Google Apps to manage my own domain. But it’s $5 per month, not $5 per year.

    Recently I set up a website for someone hosted on OpenShift (free) with a GoDaddy managed domain (really cheap) and Mandrill as the SMTP server (free for the small blast emails the client will do). We had zero problems with the GoDaddy forwarder.

    I’ve never used SendGrid or Hover so I’m limited in what advice I can give you :-/

    Thread Starter Don527


    Hi, Jason

    I now use Google Apps for my email. Thanks for the great advice and patience help. I think my problems will go away now.

    Let this be a lesson for all you kids out there.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Great!! And Mandrill/Sengrid should work great with Google Apps when you want to send bulk mail.

    Don’t forget your SPF record – I see you haven’t configured it yet. This is very important or you’ll have spam problems. Google has instructions here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/178723?hl=en

    If you’re feeling adventurous, do your DKIM record too : https://support.google.com/a/answer/174124?hl=en

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