Thank you for the quick response! Yes, I do have the Fields in the Mail Tab Panel filled out.
I have a screen shot of the Mail Tab Panel Settings, but I cannot upload it here…?
So, I will type out what I have:
Mail Tab, under “Mail”
“To” > my email which I won’t post here
“From” > [first-name] [last-name] via <[email protected]>
“Subject” > WMA Distributor Application Submission
“Additional Headers” > Reply-To: [email-948]
“Message Body” (begin) >
From: [first-name] [last-name] <[email-948]>
Subject: WMA Distributor Application Submission
Message Body:
Name: [first-name] [last-name]
Email: [email-948]
Phone Number: [tel-87]
Position/Title: [title]
Inquiry submitted by: [inquiry]
Authorized to purchase on behalf of the business making the application: [authorized]
Name of Store: [storeName]
Physical Store Address: [storeAddress], [cityfieldtext-855] [postal]
Years in Business: [number-838]
Number of Physical Stores: [number-777]
Average Physical Store Size: [size]
Annual Revenue of Store Sales: [storeSales]
Description of Business Services and Products: [description]
Website URL: [website]
Number of Online Stores: [onlineStores]
Annual Revenue of Website Sales: [websiteSales]
Plans to Market/Display our products: [radio-310]
How they heard about WMA: [heard]
– – –
Submitted via the Distributor Application Page on the WMA.world website.
**end of “Message Body”** Note: The “Message Body” you see above is exactly the way I want the email to come in, but below is how the email comes in!
Email Received >
From: Me Test1 Subject: WMA Distributor Application Submission Message Body: Name: Me Test1 Email: [email protected] Phone Number: 1-123-456-7890 Position/Title: owner Inquiry submitted by: me Authorized to purchase on behalf of the business making the application: yes Name of Store: My Store Physical Store Address: 123, My City, FL, United States 32333 Years in Business: 7 Number of Physical Stores: 1 Average Physical Store Size: 120 square feet Annual Revenue of Store Sales: 98,000.00 Description of Business Services and Products: services and laser products Website URL: website.com Number of Online Stores: 1 Annual Revenue of Website Sales: 0 Plans to Market/Display our products: yes How they heard about WMA: from a friend – – – Submitted via the Distributor Application Page on the WMA.world website.
**end of Email Received**
As you can clearly see the incoming email does not show any of the returns or blank lines that I have laid out in the Message Body. I do NOT have the checkbox “Exlude lines with blank mail-tags from output” checked; I do NOT have the checkbox “Use HTML content type” checked.
Under “Mail 2” I copied and pasted the “Message Body” from the top section down to the bottom section and that email comes in as shown below:
Email Received >
Submitted Information:
Name: Me Test1
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 1-123-456-7890
Position/Title: owner
Inquiry submitted by: me
Authorized to purchase on behalf of the business making the application: yes
Name of Store: My Store
Physical Store Address: 123, My City, FL, United States 32333
Years in Business: 7
Number of Physical Stores: 1
Average Physical Store Size: 120 square feet
Annual Revenue of Store Sales: 98,000.00
Description of Business Services and Products: services and laser products
Website URL: website.com
Number of Online Stores: 1
Annual Revenue of Website Sales: 0
Plans to Market/Display our products: yes
How you heard about WMA: from a friend
– – –
Submitted via the Distributor Application Page on the WMA.world website.
**end of email**
As you can clearly see, the returns are there (but not the blank lines) in the sent email. Again I do NOT have either of the 2 checkboxes checked.
I would really like both emails to come in as the “Mail2” comes in… Please advise. Thank you!