i found a suggestion here, i tried it and it worked for me…here is the link
if the article is removed…then here is the extract of what i tried==========================
The plugin is available on your account, you’re a full member so it’s not going to cost you any extra.
As you’re a full member and it wouldn’t cost you anything further I thought that would be the easiest option for you.
I is already explained and you may FIX this in your plugin:
The default sender name is “WordPress” and the default sender email address is [email protected]. These may be overridden by including a header like:
From: “Example User” <[email protected]>
Sorry I didn’t see you explain about the wp_mail function?
Nothing needs fixing in the the plugin, there is no bug here. Membership is not designed to brand your WordPress install by changing mail headers, that is left to WP and other plugins like Ultimate Branding for example.
If you’d rather a code solution you could add the following to your themes functions.php file:
add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘your_email’ );
function your_email( $original_email_address )
return ‘[email protected]’;
That one will change the from address and for the from name:
add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘custom_wp_mail_from_name’ );
function custom_wp_mail_from_name( $original_email_from )
return ‘Your sites name’;
Hope that helps!
Wed Apr 16 2014, 1:02:14 AM