Thankyou ~ dpak
I think it is exactly what I am looking for. However I will need help to chose the addons in the zip folders that will give our readers the ability to receive email copies of new articles without having to log into our site
For example one of the Zip folders has the name “mailpress_autoresponder.3.0.2” However I have no clue what that is or what function of the other 20 folders would be.
I am pretty confident in my ability to upload files and to manually edit wordpress templates if I can figure what needs to be done.
My email is [email protected]
Thanks again friend
1.Inside mailpress folder, you will find some addons. Make your choice to scale MailPress to your needs.
2.For each selected addon (WordPress plugins interacting with MailPress) :
3. Copy the zip file in the newly created directory.
Unzip the package.
4. Upload every unzipped folders in wp-content/plugins.