Thanks, I don’t think I explained that very well ?? I’ll try to be a little more specific.
Let’s say I have 10 products and each product has its own price-table. So I’m putting one price-table on each product page (10 total price-tables). Now let’s say I have 3 packages in each price-table for each product, called “copper” “silver” “gold.” And there is a button at the bottom of each package that says “buy now.” Now I would have 30 packages and need to know which button they clicked on to know which package they selected. I suppose I could build 30 forms, but that seems extreme.
I basically don’t want to send the user to a generic form and expect them to enter the details from the package they just clicked on. I would like it to auto-fill somehow. I guess I am only wondering if there is a way to create a variable or something in the button link that loads INTO a Contact Form 7 (or similar) text input so the customer only has to enter their name and phone number, and all the package info will already be there? Click submit and you’re done.
For further example, if they want “Widget A – Gold Package” is there a way to simply add that text “Widget A – Gold Package” to the button that somehow auto-fills a text input in the form? Or is the only way to do it, to build 30 contact forms?
Thanks again. Really appreciate it. Kevin