• Resolved izyexcel


    Hi, I noticed a bug with repeated email notification for expired listings. How do I salvage that?

    Also, I tried editing the email templates but it does not reflect with new emails. Emails have the subject “New Offer” “New Offset”

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  • Plugin Support supportstylemix


    Thanks for reaching us here!
    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    This issue is assigned to the development team as a bug. They will resolve this issue in the next updates. Please be kindly informed that the coming update will not cover this resolution since it will contain big interface changes, but after that issues reported as tasks will be implemented or resolved.

    Best Regards

    I encountered the same and did the following:
    = setup cron as shown here.

    = go to /plugins/ulisting/includes/admin/classes/StmEmailTemplateManager.php
    Line 261: __(‘You have new Offer’, ‘ulisting’),
    change it to: __($email_manager->get_subject(), ‘ulisting’),

    = go to: /plugins/ulisting/includes/lib/email-manager/templates/single.php
    Line 200: this.$http.post(‘ulisting-email/single’, this.emailData)
    change it to:
    this.$http.post(${uListing_api_url}/ulisting-email/single, this.emailData)
    (Note this sing: ` IS not this sing: ‘)

    = go to: /plugins/ulisting/includes/route.php
    Line: 393
    wp_send_json( \uListing\Classes\UlistingNotifications::single_email_save_changes() );
    change it to:
    (just removing the space before \uListing. there are other similar spaces on this route.php file. I removed all)

    Then you will be able to add a specific subject in each email from Listing Types >> Settings >> Email and will be able to save and the subject you added will show in each respective email.

    == I am still figuring out a problem with email confirmation or verification. Users after registration are directly logged in and redirected to their account without confirming their email so they can login at any time and ignore the email confirmation or account activation that they receive in their email. The email confirmation is not forced.

    Plugin Support EricStylemixThemes


    Hello @lastpriceca,

    Thank you for your answer!

    Stylemix really appreciates the time and effort you have spent to share your experience and it seems very insightful.

    Auto email notification depends on correct Cron Settings, as you mentioned. The issue has been tested and send to the developers. Currently, an email notification is not working properly. The task is already created and the team working on this issue. It will be fixed in one of the coming updates.

    Kind regards
    Eric Hardy

    Thank you.
    Here is some other feedback.

    == PayPal Save button does not show. It can be fixed in file:
    (change !== to == in line 97) but in your new update this is fixed and all PayPal lib was changed.

    == If someone is using server basic authentication, some errors happens. e.g., in file:
    file_get_contents() will fail to fetch json files (Unauthorized)
    This can be fixed by adding the username and password of the basic authentication user and context in this section:

    foreach ( $iconsConfMap as $file_name ) {
    if(file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/assets/icons_json/' . $file_name . '.json')) {
    $username = 'YOURUSERNAME';
    $password = 'YOURPASSWORD';
    $context = stream_context_create(array(
    'http' => array(
    'header'  => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$username:$password"))));

    You may think of using something else instead of file_get_contents (e.g., curl)

    == If an agency tries to add an agent, it says This user role is not allowed. The reason for this is the use of (1) /themes/motors/author.php instead of (2) /plugins/ulisting/templates/author.php and if you copy the code in (2) to (1), agent adding works, however, you will get errors in map handling when clicking on the agent user name from inside agency dashboard. But, this still good as it fixes other errors in map and location e.g., if you add location in the submit form. Also if you add an agent, the agent has no clue about its password unless the agency manually emailed the password to the agent or the admin resets the pass so the agent receive an email.
    If you go to Ulisting >> Status you can see some other out dated files used from themes/motors/… You can copy the code from the corresponding files under plugins/ulisting/… to files in themes/motors/… and it works.

    == the new update also fixed an error in the strip lib which I fixed before by myself.

    == when a user adds an item or a car, in the create or submit form there is a filed named Title which is not clear what ment by. You can add more clear and descriptive label by changing in: /themes/motors/ulisting/add-listing/form.php
    It would be nice to have a red asterisk on labels if a filed or attribute is made required instead of modifying code or using css which I did in a couple of files. Label in …/field/select.php and /field/yes_no.php are missing a css class (<div class=”ulisting-form-gruop”>) that exists in the other fields adding it to them gives overall custom css handling.

    == Home page does not show top bar and footer menu. It can be shown by adding custom css or modifying css under …assets/css/dist/YOURCHOSENLISTING.css . Mainly change none to block in body.home #wrapper .top-bar-wrap { and body.home #footer #footer-main { and body.home #footer #footer-copyright .footer-copyright:before {
    display: none;

    == You may think of changing css margins and paddings or modify in this file:
    /themes/motors/ulisting/listing-list/filter.php (e.g., change h2 to h4 or h5) and add style because not enough space for Rest all …

    Hello @lastpriceca,
    Thanks for reaching us here!
    Thanks for your time and effort to share such great points on a current matter!
    Regarding your opinions and experience, it seems there might be a plugin conflict with Motors theme – we will investigate this instance for sure and try to find this culprit on our side to guide our clients more accurately.
    If you have other questions according to the Motors theme, please contact our support agents through this link and send your request with the theme purchase code as a ticket: https://support.stylemixthemes.com/tickets/new/support?item_id=14 Because due to the www.remarpro.com policy, we do not support our premium products here.

    Best Regards

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