Is anyone else’s email notification not working for the life of them? My upload works but then I get a warning “Notification email was not sent due to an error. Please check notifyrecipients, notifysubject and notifymessage attributes for errors.”
I notice that notify subject has not been automatically generated in the shortcode, could this be causing an issue? Notify by email is on, 2 email recipients, email headers i’ve left blank, email subject has a subject, email body has a body, attach uploaded files is on. (replaced my email with filler for obvious reasons) Seeing anything obvious wrong with this short code?
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/%userdata1%” createpath=”true” duplicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” placements=”userdata/selectbutton+filename/uploadbutton/message” uploadtitle=”” requiredlabel=”” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”%userdata2%, <myemail>@<email>.ca” notifymessage=”Hello %userdata1%,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that your abstract has been uploaded and received.%n%%n%Best Regards,” attachfile=”true” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Your name|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Your email|t:email|s:left|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0″]