No issues for me across dozens of sites and hosts. What I can say is regardless of the documentation, there are several items that will cause the majority of your issues, and these are in no particular order.
1. misconfigured plugin for your host
2. your host being on a black list
3. your host blocking mail on some ports
3. your sending address (gmail as opposed to your domain)
4. your site being at a subdomain (WP uses wordpress@siteaddress to send, so [email protected])
5. your sending address not being an actually address on your mail server
For me, I like to use google apps for my email, and I configure the relay to accept mail from my website. I then use my own plugin that is similar to wp-smtp-mail to send all of my mail through google. On my sites that use a subdomain, my plugin allows me to set a sender address. I also make sure that my sending address is a valid address, so I have created a [email protected] address for sites that need that.
Your mileage may vary, and you may run into an issue with the plugin, but for me this works well and solves ALL mail issues regardless of the plugin or feature of WP I am using.