Email name show "Suppor" instead of "Support"
Emails notifying me of a new ticket come from “Suppor” instead of “Support”
From: Suppor [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Support TicketHow do I fix this???
When NOT logged in the menu on my site displays the “Submit Ticket” page (https://clientmanager(dot)overthehillweb(dot)com/submit-ticket/). On this page I have this shortcode: [addoscontact]
When LOGGED IN the “Submit Ticket” page is no longer displayed on the menu, in it’s place my site displays the “Client Support” page (https://clientmanager(dot)overthehillweb(dot)com/client-support/). The On this page I have this shortcode: [addosticket]
I do have a “Thank You” page (https://clientmanager(dot)overthehillweb(dot)com/thanks/)..
So everything is configured correctly..
When not logged and submitting tickets on the https://clientmanager(dot)overthehillweb(dot)com/submit-ticket/ page, the emails notifying me of a new ticket come from “Suppor” instead of “Support”.
So all that said, thanks for trying to help.. I don’t know what the issue is, and my workaround for now is that if I need to submit tickets on behalf of my clients, I’ll do it directly within osTicket, and then I’ll manage them from your plugin within WordPress..
Don’t know why this was marked resolved.. It’s NOT resolved, and in the latest version of this plugin the functionality is no better than it was several months ago when I 1st reported this issue.
Also when submitting a ticket from the ADMIN it doesn’t matter if I choose WP Users or Osticket Users or Username, I end up with a ticket that is associated with NO ONE, and I have to go into osTicket DIRECTLY and edit the ticket and either link an existing osTicket user or create and link it to a new osTicket user..
I STILL have to create tickts fromt he front end of my site while logged in as one of my clients in order to create a ticket for them.. Guest ticket logging STILL doesn’t work..
Will try and see if an upgrade to the latest osTicket release addresses ANY of this (doubtful)
But wanted to share that this is still an issue for ME, and therefore MY issue is not RESOLVED, and therefore this post should NOT be marked as if it is….
To keep it simple:
We have tested this plugin and these functionalities you describe as broken with 100’s of sites from different users.It’s there for NOT an issue with THIS plugin.
it can be either a broken setup or a conflict with another plugin.I there for offered to look at your setup when/if you send login info.
Other then that i really can’t do anything more, as the codes it self simply work.
Can’t fix something that ain’t broken ??Regards,
MarcoMarco.. I have been busy and have not had time to set things up for you to look at this as it’s my LIVE site..
I can assure you it’s not a conflict with another plugin as I disabled EVERYTHING to eliminate a plugin conflict issue..
That said whether you tested it or not, this IS still an issue for my site, and marking my post as resolved just don’t make it so.. IJS..
When I have time to take the necessary precautions I need to allow you to root around my LIVE site, I will do so.. In the meantime, I wanted to make you aware that the problem STILL persists with the most recent versions of the plugin..
I understand, btw usually it’s most easy to simply duplicate the site to a subdomain. turn off google indexing etc.
Well a conflict with plugin, theme, script, htaccess, even server settings (mysql / php/ apache/ nginx etc) can take part in the plugin not working.
It’s also not so much that we tested it, also alot of different users have.
making this issue “Can not reproduce”.
to which usually you either get access to an environment that can reproduce OR if no response has been made in a while case will be closed (basic support desk method.. else you end up with 100’s of open questions that are no longer relevant, for example user has moved on etc).That the problem still persists in your environment i believe, as mentioned: codes are working so we made no changes to it. (we can only fix things that are broken even a conflict to a certain environment we first need to see it broken before we can make any change for it).
MarcoI understand, btw usually it’s most easy to simply duplicate the site to a subdomain. turn off google indexing etc.
Well a conflict with plugin, theme, script, htaccess, even server settings (mysql / php/ apache/ nginx etc) can take part in the plugin not working.
It’s also not so much that we tested it, also alot of different users have.
making this issue “Can not reproduce”.
to which usually you either get access to an environment that can reproduce OR if no response has been made in a while case will be closed (basic support desk method.. else you end up with 100’s of open questions that are no longer relevant, for example user has moved on etc).That the problem still persists in your environment i believe, as mentioned: codes are working so we made no changes to it. (we can only fix things that are broken even a conflict to a certain environment we first need to see it broken before we can make any change for it).
MarcoMarco I understand that you need to TEST to REPRODUCE to get at the bottom of the issue.. and when I have TIME to create a dev version of my site I will do so and get you the credentials you need because I’d like to resolve this..
BTW, while it IS most way to duplicate my site using a subdomain, my site is pretty big, and my HOST may disable my entire account if they perceive my usage as abusive.. So hence my caution, and the reason why I need FREE TIME to move the whole kit an caboodle someplace where this will not be an issue..
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