• phrixus


    My first plugin. I have created a plugin that inserts a contact form onto a page. It is based on Ryan Duff’s layout but with a lot of improvements. It has Multi-point verification of entered email addresses, optional redirect on successful send and intuitive error reporting on events such as empty fields and invalid data.

    PXS Mail Form

    I will try to fix any errors that come up.

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  • davincim


    phrixus – assuming it could be done, what would it take to modify this to make it work on a non-WP blog…just a regular web page?

    I’m no php whiz, so if it can be done please give it to me in very basic terms. Thanks! ??

    This works in a regular .php page, and is really easy to install:



    Cool — thanks podz!

    Thread Starter phrixus


    If you want the functionality of my plugin, let me know and I will try to modify it for you… if I can find the time!!!



    phrixus – thanks for the offer. I’ll keep that in mind. ??



    I am also working on an e-mail plugin, it replaces wp-mail.php and checks if the user’s e-mail address is in the database before allowing the message to be posted.


    Thread Starter phrixus


    John, that is a bit different to the ‘Contact Me’ email plugin I have put up here. Looks like a great plugin though!!!

    Ryan Duff


    Why was this forked for 2 measley changes. Granted, its allowed under the GPL, but not good practice. Especially when you don’t contact the other owner and claim it as your own plugin.

    You added a redirect and some better error checking for the email. That doesn’t warrent forking to a new plugin.

    Oh well.. my bugs are now your bugs. As for me, I’ll be continuing wp-contactform with most of the bugs fixed. Remember, you now have a fork, which is its own. Don’t copy my bug fixes to your plugin and claim them as your own.

    Ryan Duff


    Thread Starter phrixus


    Calm down… I sent you a message about these features and you never responded. I figured you had no interest in my mods so I re-wrote the logic and expanded the control panel to accomodate the features. I only released it as a different plugin because it is now very different to wp-contactform and I thought other people might be interested, which from my download stats, they are.

    Please feel free to merge my code into yours as I am happy to direct everyone to your site (As suggested in my email).

    At the end of the day its a mail form that has all of the features I would expect. I really do have more important things to worry about in life.

    Also, if its only 2 ‘measley’ changes… why aren’t they in your script?? And in response to your ‘Refering to claiming’ above, please read every other page, file post about the script and you will find you are clearly mentioned…

    Thread Starter phrixus


    Having been in contact with Ryan via email I would like to suggest that if anyone wishes to use this plugin they visit his site in the first instance and look at wp-contactform.

    The plugin that I have developed will still be available on my page for the time being whilst it still has the more advanced features for anyone that wants to use it.

    As it turns out, there was a communication problem between us (Email was not delivered/accidentally missed) and so Ryan was not able to let me know he wanted the feature set I had made. Under GPL, I was within my right to use his code and redistribute it. Having rewritten a lot of the code, my version of the contact form turned out very different and had improved features and display properties so I released it as a seperate plugin for everyone else, again, perfectly acceptable under GPL. I was not trying to take all credit which is why I made references on all material to the original author, as stated above by Ryan, I forgot that detail on my homepage… now rectified!




    I am currently using your plugin. I was searching for a plugin like this for a long time and, as far as I know, you were the first to come up with a wordpress contact form plugin. And, as busy as you were with your new plugin, you also made it a point to answer my emails. You even added some small changes that I was looking for and I thank you for that.

    Personally, when I read the words “I have written my first plugin” I would interpret that as meaning a person started from scratch and wrote the thing. In my honest opinion, there’s a big difference between “writing” something versus “adding to” something, regardless of how good the additions are. Doing that may be legal, but I think it’s really unfair. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make “your” plugin better, then they should work with you.

    Thread Starter phrixus


    That is a fair comment and I did use the form layouts as a basis… this is why I added an edit to my homepage to clarify the point. As stated I was not trying to rip anything off which is why I have referenced the original author everywhere… on that post though… have you never had difficulty thinking of interesting titles for your blog?? I struggle with that field every time I want to write something!!

    Thread Starter phrixus


    Also what you dont seem to have considered or are unaware of in your reply is that I sent details to Ryan initially about the code I had made so that they could use it in their plugin. Only on no reply and brcause some friends of mine wanted a copy did I released it as another plugin.

    I would also like to offer a small poke to people that seem fixated on the post I made on my home page… by clicking the link that takes you the info page about the plugin, Ryan is mentioned on the first line of the overview which hardly seems like I am trying to take credit… you have to go to this page for the download link. Its amazing how people can lose sight of the big picture and only focus on obstacles… I have received a lot of emails thanking me for the added benefits which at the end of the day is all I wanted to provide… if you dont like/need them, you dont use them… simple!

    If anyone thinks GPL is unfair, please buy Microsoft products and argue at home, this is not an argument for this forum. God forbid we should have 100+ version of Linux running off the same core with different features and names!!




    Your first response was cool – but the second showed your inability to resist the temptation – but hey, I’m not looking for an argument either – I was just making a point.

    But, your second response left me little choice but to make a final comment. Yes, I did follow the link on your website and I did read the relevant posts – I also downloaded “your first plugin” to have a look at it prior to posting my comment here.

    This is what bothered me when I compared the code:

    GPL gives people the right to use code as one pleases – that’s cool.
    And, adding additional code to improve a plugin – that’s cool too.

    But how does changing this code:
    $title = __('Contact Form Options');

    To this code:
    $title = __('PXS-Mail Options');

    improve how the plugin works ?? Did it not work with the original code intact ??

    Or, this: $wpcf_email = $_POST['wpcf_email'];
    To this: $pxs_email = $_POST['pxs_email'];

    Or, this: $wpcf_subject = $_POST['wpcf_subject'];
    To this: $pxs_subject = $_POST['pxs_subject'];

    Or, this: $wpcf_success_msg = $_POST['wpcf_success_msg'];
    To this: $pxs_success_msg = $_POST['pxs_success_msg'];

    etc, etc, etc …..

    In my humble opinion, I just think that if the orginal code that you used was working ok, why would you have to change it to look like the code is yours ??

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