• Resolved tommye


    Hello, I have Orilla Cart E-Comerce set up at https://www.knobeez.com I have everything set up I believe and working well, with the exception of the confirmation of order emails.

    It seems that once the customer clicks “Place Order” from the check out page, they are taken to PayPal, BUT if they do not complete the order at PAYPAL, they STILL get an email confirmation sent to them saying their order was placed. Is there a way to correct this?

    Can someone help me with this….I do not want order confirmations sent without payment…..thanks.



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  • Thread Starter tommye



    I just tried a purchase myself and found that once i go to PAYPAL, and if I click “cancel and return to Knobeez Guitar Products” it takes them to an order confirmation page on my site knobeez.com and shows them the order is complete. Then the email shows up right behind that.


    Thread Starter tommye



    Okay, when they DO NOT pay they get sent to our site and see an order, and sent an email that shows this at the top:
    Thank you for your order! If you had troubles with payment process you can retry the payment or cancel the order.
    Your order confirmation is below. Thank you again for your business.

    When the order gets “paid” at PayPal, they get an email sent an email that shows this at the top:
    You have received new order, and that order was marked as completed. You can view order details below.

    Is there someplace I can at least change what they see when they cancel an order process, and change what the email they are sent says??


    Plugin Author orillacart



    mails are sent during the ordering process multiple times per order status. There is nothing wrong with that and that is the intended functionality. You can however of course edit the mail templates. They are located at:


    Do not edit the files directly as you will lose the changes after updating. You need to override them instead. To do that, copy the files to the following path:

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter tommye


    Thank you, this worked GREAT!!!!

    Thread Starter tommye



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