• Resolved foxtangocharlie


    After a user submits their name and email address they receive the confirmation email with the confirmation link. The user shows up in my subscriber list as unconfirmed. The user then clicks the confirmation link and goes to my site with this error at the top:

    Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/domain/domainname/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 880

    The page they go to, of course, says “yup, we’ve added… blah blah”

    The user is still listed as unconfirmed thus not getting the automatic newsletter that I have set up.

    In addition, if I manually subscribe the user, the automatic newsletter does not send.

    It does work if i send the newsletter as a regular email and not an automatic (of course, that does me no good).

    I looked into my database and saw that the “key” in the confirmation link does match the “key” in the database. But, I have no idea where the “subscriptions&wysiconf=xxxxxxxxxxxx ” part of the link comes from. I am assuming that it is some sort of authentication token to correspond with the “Key”. It seems like they aren’t Jiving.

    I am really considering the pro version. but, if these issues don’t get resolved then there is no reason for me to. and I will be forced to use another program. That would be a shame.

    I have contacted support and it appears they were looking at my problem, then they seemed to vanish.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know a work around. Can I re-direct them to a confirmation page where they can input their key? I need something. And fast.


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  • Wysija


    Hey! We don’t vanish from support, rest assured.

    It might just take a little more time to answer you, that’s all.

    Our policy is to provide an answer within 24h to our free users. It’s about twice faster for Premium users.



    Issue seems to have been resolved by switching from the beta version to the stable one.

    Thread Starter foxtangocharlie


    Switching to a stable version has fixed the problem.

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