Hey @giorgiation – thank you a lot for reaching out to us!
I checked on your issue and it seems that the URL you use the email in, is not properly formatted (No standardized HTML).
To make it work again, there are two different solutions I can recommend to you:
1. Properly format the URL
For what I can see, your URL looks something like: https://www.wetransfer.com/[email protected]
For what I can see, there’s two mistakes in the URL:
- The questionmark for defining GET parameter is missing. I assume the to is a GET parameter within the URL, correct? If so, the URL should look something like this: https://www.wetransfer.com/?[email protected]
- The second issue I see is that the @ sign is not escaped for URL parameters, which causes the initial problem. To make this work, please change it to https://www.wetransfer.com/?to=test%40test.com (Change the @ to %40)
Once you made these changes, the plugin should work as expected.
In case you can’t change the values above, here’s another solution that makes it work:
2. Simple entity encoding
Within the settings of our plugin, you will find a group called
Protect emails using. In there, you will find a radio button for simple HTML character encoding. – Please choose this one and save the settings.
This causes to only use entity encoding (which is not the best, but does its job).
I recommend you to try the first solution and if that is not possible, go with the second one.
If you have further questions on that, feel free to reach out again. ??