• Hi,
    I work for a web agency and we are experiencing some problems with the email delivering. It’s not a plugin issue but our client can’t figure out who is blocking the sendings.
    We get the list of IPs that send the messages.

    Is there any chance the emails could be routed from more than the below IPs?

    Additionally are you able to check SMTP logs from the sending system to see if there are any errors when the mail handshake is occurring?


    Matias Taranto


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  • Thread Starter matiastaranto81


    Sorry if I write again but we weren’t able to sort this problem out.

    Could you please reply to our questions?


    I am developing a website not yet live. Testing contact 7 forms. Two forms work flawlessly, two forms not functioning. I’ve rebuilt the two broken forms still not working.

    The two forms that work are simple text fields. The two forms that do not work include a variety of field types text, checkbox, upload file.

    When I click send button no error, no change, no success message. The button moves up and down but seems to go nowhere.

    No errors reported upon save. Any ideas?

    Most common this is not Contact Form 7 related, but a wrong configuration of your webspace provider or mail server or one of all the other possibilities.
    I will post some of the issues I just ran through:

    1. You have to make sure, that your webspace can send mail via php, because this is, what WordPress does.
    Check Google about this question, it will give you answers on how to do this, e.g. by a little PHP script in the root of your webspace.
    Save it in a file áka php_mail_info.php, set the rights and call it form a browser.

    <?php if (mail('[email protected]', 'test', 'test', 'From: [email protected]'))
    {echo '<span style="color:#059624">✔</span><br>';
    echo '<span style="color:#e57922">✖</span><br>';

    Source: https://klaudija.de/hilfe-wordpress-sendet-keine-e-mails-mehr

    2. If you use a providers webspace there might be some configurations for your user to be able to send mails from your account. E.g. in my case I had to define a mail account in my providers configurations an set this mail account as the one for sending mails from the webspace.

    3. Some provider only allow sending emails using a correct FROM email address to be sure it is from a qualified account.

    4. You will need to have access to the webspace mailserver logs. They will easily display the status of the mails.

    5. An alternative might be using a SMTP plugin – if you own SMTP access.

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