• Resolved Francesco


    Hi everyone,
    I am opening this topic because my casrusel slider of set of images doesn not work, it has not functionality for example using arrows and dots in order to move to next or previous images.

    I checked also the settings on Elementor options and it seems is all okay.
    I don’t know what the issue could be.

    If it is useful for everyone i paste the WordPress setup of active theme and active plugins, maybe there could occur some plugin conflicts or uncompabilities:

    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name: Neve (neve)
    version: 3.1.2 (latest version: 3.2.2)
    author: ThemeIsle
    author_website: https://themeisle.com
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: core-block-patterns, hfg_support, widgets-block-editor, title-tag, post-thumbnails, automatic-feed-links, custom-logo, html5, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, custom-background, align-wide, editor-color-palette, fl-theme-builder-headers, fl-theme-builder-footers, fl-theme-builder-parts, header-footer-elementor, lifterlms-sidebars, lifterlms, service_worker, starter-content, menus, widgets
    ### wp-plugins-active (10) ###
    Accept Donations with PayPal: version: 1.3.4, author: Scott Paterson
    Contact Form 7: version: 5.5.3, author: Takayuki Miyoshi (latest version: 5.5.6)
    Elementor: version: 3.5.2, author: Elementor.com (latest version: 3.6.2)
    EmbedPress: version: 3.3.2, author: WPDeveloper (latest version: 3.3.6)
    Essential Addons for Elementor: version: 5.0.1, author: WPDeveloper (latest version: 5.0.12)
    Google Web Fonts Customizer (GWFC): version: 1.0.2, author: Chanif Al-Fath
    PDF viewer for Elementor: version: 2.9.3, author: RedLettuce Plugins
    WordPress Importer: version: 0.7, author: wordpressdotorg
    Yoast Duplicate Post: version: 4.4, author: Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast
    Yoast SEO: version: 18.3, author: Team Yoast (latest version: 18.5.1)

    Thanks for the attention
    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Francesco.
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  • same here.. with fatal error as below:

    Have to downgrade to 3.5.6 to get it running

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Elementor\Scheme_Typography' not found in /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/themes/turitor/components/editor/elementor/widgets/main-slider.php:399 Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/controls-stack.php(2280): Elementor\Turitor_Main_Slider_Widget->_register_controls() #1 /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/controls-stack.php(494): Elementor\Controls_Stack->init_controls() #2 /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/widget-base.php(177): Elementor\Controls_Stack->get_stack() #3 /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/controls-stack.php(300): Elementor\Widget_Base->get_stack() #4 /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/controls-stack.php(2369): Elementor\Controls_Stack->get_controls() #5 /home/customer/www/uccke.edu in /home/customer/www/uccke.edu.hk/public_html/wp-content/themes/turitor/components/editor/elementor/widgets/main-slider.php on line 399

    Hi @zinizcheng77 @francifoto98

    Go to WP dashboard > Elementor > Tools > Version Control.
    In the Beta Tester field, change the value to Disabled.
    Click Save Changes.
    Go to WP dashboard > Elementor > Settings > Experiments.
    Change all of the experiments to Inactive.
    Click Save Changes.
    Refresh the user’s website.
    Is the issue still appearing?
    YES – The issue is not related to an unstable Elementor version.
    NO – The issue is related to an unstable Elementor version.

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